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Obit For Lorenzo Dow Blankenship
Text L. D. Blankenship, Editor of the Democrat, Died Wednesday (From the Anadarko Tribune) "BLANKENSHIP IS DEAD!" These three words were on the lips of every citizen Wednesday morning and brought sadness and sorrow to every heart. It was the most unwelcome news that ever fell upon the ears of Anadarko citizens. The mourning of this good man was not confined to the relatives but was universal. On Tuesday morning of last week he was taken suddenly ill with pleura- pneumonia. So sudden and severe was the attack that it baffled the skill of our best physicians. Everything known to medical science, and every effort on the part of the physicians and kind friends was used to save his life, but to no avail. His suffering was intense. From the time he took to his bed until he past away he had no rest, no sleep until he fell asleep in the arms of Jesus. A few minutes after five o'clock Wednesday morning his spirit took flight, and in the twilight of the new day winged its way to Him who gave it, and took its place among the redeemed, in the land of perpetual sunshine and where flowers ever bloom.

L.D. Blankenship was born in Polk county, Missouri, July 20, 1864. At an early age his parents moved to Barry county, Missouri, where he grew to manhood. In December, 1885, he was united in marriage to Letitia Orahood, at Purdy, Missouri. To this union has been born two children, a son and a daughter. No happier union was ever consummated. Their entire wedded life has been one of perpetual joy and sunshine. Mr. Blankenship was an ideal husband, a kind and indulgent father.

During the greater part of his life Mr. Blankenship has been engaged in the mercantile and milling business. He was very successful in all of his business enterprises. About three years ago he went to California and remained there eighteen months, then returned to Missouri. In January of last year he took the "Oklahoma fever," and came to Anadarko. So favorably impressed was he with the new country that he decided to make it his future home. He purchased half interest in the Daily Democrat, and after a few months purchased the interest of his partner, Mr. P.P. Shaw, since which he has operated the plant alone. From the first day he landed in Anadarko he began to make friends, and the more our people became acquainted with him the stronger grew that friendship until it ripened into love for the man. Friends he had by the hundreds. Enemies he had none.

In the death of Mr. Blankenship Anadarko has lost one of its best citizens and most enterprising business man. He was foremost in every public enterprise, and ready at all times with pen and money to push along any movement for the development and advancement for the material interest of Anadarko. He will be missed in the councils of those who plan for a greater Anadarko. As a business competitor the Tribune can say it never had a more honorable, courteous and obliging contemporary, and no one, regrets the death of this good man more than the Tribune. At his bier we drop a tear, and to the sorrow stricken wife and children extend the hand of sympathy in the hour of their greatest affliction.

Three brothers and three sisters, most of whom are here at present, mourn his loss: J.E. Blankenship, Purdy, Mo.; J.R. Blankenship, Corsicana, Mo.; U.S. Blankenship, Quenemo, Kans.; Mary C. McNatt, McDonald county, Mo.; Emma Horine, Cassville, Mo.; Arrommita Swindle, Germany. Funeral services were held in the McAninch hall yesterday afternoon, the hall being packed with mourning friends. Business houses of the city were closed during the services. The remains were laid to rest in the new cemetery south of the city.

Deceased: Lorenzo Dow Blankenship
Parents Names: Lorenzo Jackson and Martha (Garrison) Blankenship
Place Born: Polk Co., Missouri
Date Born: Jul. 20, 1864
Date Died: Apr. 1, 1903
Place Died: Anadarko, Caddo Co., OK
Cemetery: Anadarko Cemetery
Newspaper: Anadarko Daily Democrat
Paper Date: Apr. 3, 1903
Newspaper or Funeral Home Anadarko Daily Democrat
Date Apr. 3, 1903
Death Cert -
Resource Newspaper
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