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Obit For Clyde Bennington
Headline Clyde Bennington Dead
Text The sad news came to this city, Wednesday night of the death of this splendid man, who has honorable in every respect and enjoyed the respect of all his acquaintances. Just a few weeks ago he accompanied the remains of his father to this city for interment, who was killed by a railroad train in Florida.

Clyde Bennington was born in Cassville, Nov. 27, 1871, and was a son of late Mr. J. W. W. and Mrs. P. A. Bennington and grew to manhood here where he was always held in high estimation.

Many years ago he moved to Dillon, Montana, where he had a position in a printing establishment for some time and later moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, where he had since lived.

He was a Mason and had taken some of the higher degrees and was an Odd Fellow.

He was married and leaves his wife, two sons, and one daughter to mourn his passing.

He was a brother of Fred Bennington, Foreman of the Republican Office in this city, Charles of Dillon, Montana, and Clarence of Honolulu, Hawaii Islands.

Fred Bennington left for West Palm Beach, Thursday night.

Clyde was a grandson of late Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Townsend highly esteemed citizens of this city during life.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date Feb. 7, 1920
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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