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Obit For Daniel Deacon Bayless
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Text Daniel Deacon Bayless was born Oct 6, 1821, in Washington Co., Tenn., where he was reared on a farm. His father died when he was a small boy. About 1849, he married Sarah Bruner of Greene Co., Tenn., who now survives him, though an invalid for many years during her life. In 1852 he with many others, constructed flat boats and floated down the Tennessee river to Cairo and moved from there to Benton Co., Ark., by wagon, being abut eight months on the journey. Some four years later he bought a farm about one mile north of where Seligman is now located. All his property was gone at the close of the Civil War, in which he took no part and was one of the few men permitted to remain at home during that trying period. He was industrious and straight in his dealing and before leaving the farm in 1889 to come to Cassville, had accumulated a comfortable store for the wintry years. He was a time a silent partner in the mercantile business at Washburn, also at Cassville and was a stockholder and director in the Barry County Bank from its organization in 1886. He was quite and unassuming but a zealous and well wisher of this country. He was a member of the Baptist Church for nearly 50 years, being deacon during much of that time.

He was the father of six boys and two girls. The three younger of the former and the older of the latter died in early youth leaving William K., John M., Jas M. Bayless and Mrs. Carrie M. Allen, who are residents of Barry County.

He was taken suddenly ill March 23rd, suffering from bilious fever and inflammatory rheumatism. His suffering was most acute, but he was courageous, hopeful and rational till Sunday noon when all vital forces seemed to give way and he passed away to a peaceful rest at 9:50 p.m.

The remains were buried at the King grave yard, south of Washburn form his own choice, where his four deceased children are interred. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. O. B. Billick of Neosho.

Research Notes: Died Sunday, March 26, 1893, Daniel D. Bayless, age 71 years, 5 months, 20 days
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican, Cassville, Barry Co., MO
Date Thursday, March 30, 1893
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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