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Obit For Cordelia "Cordia" Florence (Lillard) Bayless
Text It is with sorrow that we announce the death of Mrs. Wm. Bayless which occurred at their home northwest of Cassville, early Monday morning, October 24, following the birth of twin babies, a boy and girl.

Mrs. Bayless, apparently was doing nicely in her confinement but soon after the second babe was born she lapsed into unconsciousness, form which she failed to rally. The babes weight 81/2 and 9 pounds, respectively and are doing nicely.

Mrs. Bayless was a daughter of Mrs. David Talbert, an old time and highly respected citizen of near Seligman, who resided in this city many years, and was an excellent lady. She was born and raised in this city and was born October 6, 1887. She was a half sister to Chas. Adams of Seligman, and was greatly loved by all her acquaintances. She was married to Will Bayless, Dec. 24, 1908, to which union 5 children were born. She is survived by her grief stricken husband and two daughters, Bernice and Wilma, both of whom are students of the Cassville High school and splendid young ladies.

Impressive funeral services were conducted by Rev. Jas Brattin of Grove Okla., Tuesday afternoon at the family home, after which the remains were interred in Oak Hill cemetery in Cassville, under direction of Horine Funeral Service.

She was an active and devoted member of the Baptist church and lived an exemplary Christian life.

The Democrat joins the many friends of the Bayless family in extending sympathy in their sad hour of bereavement.

Research Note: Missouri Death Cert. # 29463-a
Name: Cordia Bayless
Born: Oct. 6, 1887, Barry Co., MO
Died: Oct. 24, 1927, Twp., Flatcreek, Barry Co., MO
Parents: Russell and Roda (Baker) Lilland
Burial: Oak Hill, Cemetery, Cassville, Barry Co., MO
Husband William Bayless
Barry Co. Web site Oak Hill Cemetery lists Cordelia Florence (Lillard) Bayless

Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date Oct. 29, 1927
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource Democrat Office
Submitted by