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Obit For Winslow A. Bashe
Headline W. A. BASHE DEAD 1852 - 1910
Text The last tick has been sent over the wire; the last train order has been given; tho last flag, has been displayed by him, until this trough train enters that grand and central depot, in tthat grand haven of rest where Jesus Christ and the Great Conductor, will announce the destination, Heaven, and Winslow A. Bashe, will be rewarded, according to services rendered.

He died at his home in Seligman, Dec. 23, 1910 of pneumonia, aged 58 years, ? months and 20 days. He was born in Germany, May 3, 1852, and came to the U.S., of America and located at DeSoto , Iowa, where he and Miss Clara Ault were married in 1872, he united with the Christian Church, and continued his faith in that church, to the day of his death.

In 1870, he was in the employ of the Frisco road at Verona, as telegraph operator; in 1880, he was sent to Exeter, as agent, and had been agent twice at that place and twice at Seligman; he was also agent at Chester, Ark., for sometime. He was a strict and thorough businessman, as was evident by his long connection with the Frisco road, and his word was his bond. He was a man of very strong convictions and when he made up his mind, his ideas were there to stay. He was liberal with charity for the needy and placed a high standard of morality in every community, where ever he had resided. He believed in the uplifting of his fellow man and quietly worked along that line.

Those that were the closet to him in life, speak of his many valuable traits of character, in the highest degree.

He was a Noble Grand of Seligman Lodge I.O.O.F., and that lodge with the assistance of Washburn, Cassville, Butterfield and Purdy lodges, he was laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery at Exeter, Sunday afternoon, after an able funeral service delivered by Rev. Geo. S. Yarbrough, of the Christian Church, before a vast concourse of sorrowing neighbors and friends.

The ties of earth are broken, to be welded in Heaven.
Newspaper or Funeral Home -
Date Dec. 1910
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted W. Roller
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