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Obit For Thomas Banks
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Text Obit#1 -- Thomas Banks aged 68 years, died at his home in Seligman, Saturday, April 27 and the remains were interred in the Salem Cemetery after funeral services at the New Salem church by Brother James Carter of Roaring River.

A large crowd attended the funeral in manifestation of the high esteem in which he was held in and around Seligman, where he lived for many years. He was born and reared in Barry county. He was a consistent member of the Baptist church having confessed Christ at the age of seventeen years living a consecrated life always.

He was a devoted husband and a kind and loving father. Mrs. Sarah Banks and five children, James Banks, Pittsburg, Kans., Wm. Banks, Seligman, Mrs. Almedo Brown, Cambridge, Neb., and Mesdames Violet Dodson and Anna McCurdy, Joplin, survive him.

Obit #2 -- Uncle Tom Banks died at his home in Seligman, Saturday, April 27, at 6 p.m. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. by Rev. Carter of Roaring river and interment was made in the cemetery at this place. The bereaved family and relatives have our deepest sympathy.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat, Saturday
Date May 2, 1918, May 4, 1918
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