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Obit For Andrew "Jack" Baker
Headline THREE BURN TO DEATH IN FIRE - Jack Baker and Two Fox Children Lose Lives in Fire at Washburn
Text One of the most horrible fires that has ever occurred in Barry County, was at the home of Don Fox who resides one-half a mile north of Washburn, Wednesday night about 9 to 10 p.m.

The Fox family consisting of eight children father and mother and Jack Baker the house painter in that section, was stopping with them on this occasion. The building was a two-story structure on the old Westfall farm, one half mile north of Washburn, and they were all sleeping up-stairs. The father and mother rescued seven of the children when a 12 year old girl went into the burning room to carry out the 7 year old child, never came back and was burned with her little sister. The mother had carried the children to on the porch, upstairs and had dropped them down and they were caught by father below.

Jack Baker, a house painter, occupied a room in the up-stairs and was burned to death. He was about 65 years old and was well known throughout that section, as he had painted many houses for parties in that portion of the country. Nothing is known of his family relations.

The 3 year old child was practically burned up. The trunks of the 12 year old girl and Mr. Baker were all that was left of them.

Nothing is known of the origination of the fire, and is supposed to have originated from the flue or in Mr. Baker's room.

Don Fox and family moved to this farm from Oklahoma, and had been living there for about one year. He is a son-in-law of Frank Armstrong of Jennings, Okla., who has spent considerable time with them. He is a prosperous oil man and has been informed of this awful happening and came in the earliest possible moment to be with his daughter and family in their extreme sadness.

Mr. Armstrong passed thru this city at 4:30 p.m., in Walter Jones car, he having met him in Monett.

Research Note: Jack Baker's death certificate doesn't give much information, but does state that his name was Andrew J. Baker and that he was about 67 years old, and died Aug. 25, 1920, buried in Washburn Prairie Cemetery. Robt. Windes of Washburn was the informant.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date August 28, 1920
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource Newspaper
Submitted by