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Obit For Horace Turner Ayers
Text A little bud was transplanted to bloom in a more beautiful climate, there to become a member of the angelic hosts, where sweet hosannahs are sung and happiness and joys are eternal. Horace Turner a little 2 months old babe of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ayers, died Wednesday at the home of its grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Turner in this city of stomach trouble, aged 2 months. He was born May ? 1918. Rev E.W. Love of Joplin conducted funeral services at the Turner home at 2 p.m. Thursday ????? which the remains were intered at Oak Hill.

Researcher Note: This one is missing a little piece of the corner, there was enough to make a guess at what some of it said like "funeral services at the (missing)ner home" is most likely the Turner Home. There is enough of the birthday to say that Horace was born on either the 2nd or 3rd, and the xx18 part is complete. Barry County History tells us that his date of birth would be 1918 and not 1818.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date 1918
Death Cert Link -
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted W. Roller
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