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Obit For Eugene Antle
Headline Obituary
Text Eugene Antle, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Antle of near Exeter, Mo., passed away January 22, 1932, in Springfield Baptist Hospital after a brief illness. He was born March 24, 1908 at the home near Exeter where he spent his entire 23 years.

Eugene was a graduate of the Wheaton High School with the class of 1926.

He leaves to mourn his departure a wife and baby daughter, father, mother, brothers, sisters and a host of friends and relatives.

His brief life was so filled with love and understanding that the lives of those who knew him will be permanently enriched by their associations with him.

Funeral services were conducted at the Exeter Baptist Church, Monday, January 25, by Rev. Chas. Vanzandt and E. H. Reese, a brother-in-law of the deceased. Burial was made in the Exeter Cemetery under the direction of Koon's Funeral Home.

Card of Thanks

We wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks the kind expression of sympathy gieven us by friends and neighbors. Also for the beautiful floral offerings and the music and service rendered.

Mrs. Mildred Antle Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Antle and family.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Wheaton Journal
Date Jan. 28, 1932
Death Cert Link Death Certificate
Resource State Historical Society of Missouri
Submitted by