Drury Wesley Wilkerson Descendants

The group picture was taken in abt. 1945 in Barry County, Missouri. This is almost all of the entire family, only a very few were missing (about 2) of the direct decendants at that time, of the three daughters of Sarah Catherine Davidson, Wilkerson, Powell.

Back Row - L to R: Dorotha C. German, Farris, David Farris, Owen B. Farris, Vivian and Robbie E. Brattin, Ilene and Ernest Lafayette German

Middle row - L to R: unknown, unknown, Katherine Alice German, Reynolds, John Lowell Painter, Esther Geneva German, Painter, Helen Audra "Johnnie" German, later married Edwin Perkins, Ephron Charles German, Leah Irene Broadvent German, Noble W. Bassett, Edith Brattin Bassett, Unknown

First standing row - L to R: Gary German, Nita V. Farris, Celia Reynolds, Harold Reynolds, Alma Irene German, Beverly Ann Painter, Everett Lee Reynolds

Seated: Rhoda Ann Powell, Simmons, (1/2 sister to Minnie and Cora) Minnie Eliza Wilkerson, Brattin, Cora Stella Wilkerson, German

Kneeling: Dorance Ivanhoe Painter, Earl Bassett, Virgie Louise Painter, Evelyn Joan German, Doris Virginia Painter

These are the decendants of D. Wesley Wilkerson, Sarah Catherin Davidson & John Powell With a special Thanks to Marlyce Wilkerson, who is married to a direct decendant of Miles T. Wilkerson.

Submitted by Beverly Painter Matthews in 1999, now deceased.