Obit For Mrs. Tennessee (Vanzandt) Eden
Headline Obituary
Text Obituary #1

When the news came over the telephone wire Tuesday to the people of this city, that Mrs. Tennessee Eden, beloved wife of our esteemed friend and fellow citizen C.W. Edens was dead, it case a gloom of sadness over the entire city, because she enjoyed the highest respect and esteem of all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance it was a shock, barbed with pain and sorrow. When this paper last came to you, she was up and around and was in this city the latter part of last week. She died Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1915 of a kidney trouble and had uremic poison at her home South of this city 2 3/4 miles, aged 61 years, 11 months and 9 days.

Mrs. Edens was a daughter of the late Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Mary Vanzandt who were highly respected citizens of this county during life, and was born on Washburn Prairie, Feb 27, 1854. She grew to womanhood in that section and later was married to Columbus W. Eden who traveled the pathway of life happily and had a family of six children, who are all good citizens and are grief stricken over the death of their beloved mother. She was the mother of eight children, six are living as follows: Mrs. Myrtle Summers of this city, Mrs. Florence Rankin of Wellington Kan. Orvil of near this city, Miss Clara, Floyd and Thelma at home. She left the following brothers and sister: John Vanzandt of Arkansas Eligah Vanzandt of Texas, James of California, George of Wyoming, and Mrs. Delia Knott of Idaho. She left the following half-brothers: Tom Vanzandt, Eagle Rock, Walter of this city, Rev. Charles of Exeter and Mrs Ed Daughtery of Purdy. She left the following step-brothers and sister: Bud Brixey, Bernice, Okla., Mrs. Add Neil of near this city and G.M. Brixey of this city.

She was a faithful member of the Corinth Baptist Church. She was not only faithful to her church, but just as faithful in believing that it was her duty as a christian to do the will of her Master at all times. She was always ready to lend a helping hand in time of need --- both in acts of kindness and words.

Much has been taken from this husband and family and the large circle of relatives and friends; sweet ties have been severed, but much is left. The christians hope and fadeless memories are still theirs. Her life has passed into the joy of her Lord, the memory of her life must prove a perpetual inspiration. Here was a beautiful cheerful, helpful life; her devotion as wife and mother; her kindness to everybody, will long linger as a fragrant memory in the home which her presence brightened and which death has now darkened. Though she is gone her record has been made and will (last sentence of column missing)

The writer has known Mrs. Eden for over forty years and feels that there were no better woman in Barry county that she. From her girlhood to the day of her death, everybody was her friend. She has not lived in vain, because she has accomplished great food in this world. God bless her memory and loved onces comfort and bless them in this their great loss and sad hour.

The funeral services were conducted at the Corinth Baptist Church Thursday, Jan 7, 1915, at 1:30 p.m. by Rev. C.M. Smith of Exeter and Rev. J.G. Elkins of this city before a very large crowd of sorrowing relatives, neighbors and friends. The remains were laid to rest in the Huff cemetery, after services at the church.

Obituary #2

In Death's Embrace

Tennessee Eden, wife of C.W. Eden who resides about three miles south of town, passed to her eternal home Tuesday January 6, 1915, at the family home after a few days sickness of kidney trouble.

Mrs. Edens had not been enjoying the best of health for some time, being troubled with stomach and heart ailments to some extent. Monday her ailments became very acute and urinic poison of the kidney's developed. Her hours of intense suffering were few which is a great consolation to the bereaved members of the family.

Mrs. Eden was born February 27, 1854 on Washburn Prairie in this county. She was a daughter of the late Thomas and Mary Vanzandt. In the locality about Washburn she grew to womanhood. She was married to C.W. Eden. To them were born eight children, six living. The are, Mrs. Myrtle Summers of this city, Orville south of town, Mrs. Florence Rankins of Wellington Kan., Clara, Floyd and Thelma at home. She leaves four brothers and one sister, John Vanzandt of Arkansas E.L. of Texas, George of Wyoming, James of California and Mrs. Delia Knott of Idaho. She also leaves three half brothers and half sister Tom, Walter and Rev. Char. Vanzandt and Mrs. E.W. Daughtery.

Mr. and Mrs. Eden and family have resided in the vicinity south of town for a number of years and the deceased was loved by all who knew her because of her kind and loving disposition. She was a faithful member of the Corinth Baptist Church and her Christian influence always portrayed love for her Heavenly Father. Mrs. Eden loved her home and was much devoted to her family. She numbered her friends by her acquaintances. Her influence was always for good and in her death the church has lost one of its faithful members, the community a good citizen and the family a loving, devoted and sacrificing mother.

The members of the family have the heartfelt sympathy of the public in their deep hour of grief.

the funeral services will be held at the Corinth Baptist church Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and her body will be laid to rest in the Corinth cemetery.
Newspaper or Funeral Home -
Date Jan. 1915
Death Cert Link -
Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller
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