Headline Old Citizen Passes Away

Mrs. Mary Mathis Drops Dead at McDowell, aged 64 years and 5 Months
Text The powerful blow of death invaded a happy home and carried away the light of the household, where the children delighted to assemble and the with mother, now they are deprived of that pleasant opportunity and will be for a time, but their association at some future there can be bad, after the initiation of death and passage to that bright an better land. Is it worth the effort to again be with your mother, whom you lived and cherished, in that happy land, far, far away, where saints eternally dwell. If you loved her you will evidently make the effort to meet her in that land of pure delight.

Miss Mary Brown was born in Barry County, Jan 25, 1853, and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Abe Brown, who lived in McDonald township. She dropped dead at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bell Robberson in McDowell, where she has gone to get some drinking water, at about 6 p.m., Sunday, evening June 24, age 64 years and 5 months.

She was converted at the age of 26 years and united with the Christian Church and had lived a zealous and Christian life all these years. This is a splendid example for her loved ones left on earth to follow in order to secure passage to that Heavenly city, where she is now abiding.

In her early life she and Houston Jackson were married and five children were born of this marriage, who are: Mrs. Lou Griffith, Cassville; Edward and John Jackson, McDowell; Frank Jackson, Fairview; and Mrs. Mollie Henley, Newton, Kans. Mr. Jackson died about 1880. In 1884, she and Joseph Mathis were married and the following children were born of this marriage: Jas. Matthis and Mrs. Noah Williams, Kansas City; Mrs. Belle Robberson; Chas. and Claud Matthis of McDowell. They were all present at the funeral excepting Mrs. Mollie Henley of Newton, Kans., who is converging? from an operation for apprentices.

Mrs. Hutchens had a short service at the family home and then the remains were conveyed to the Sparks School house where Rev. Francis goodnight delivered a good funeral sermon, pointing the way to the loved ones left on earth to reserve in order to meet their mother in that Holy City.

There was a large crowd of sorrowing relatives and neighbors present, attesting to the splendid qualities of the descendant and the high respect and esteem in whish she was held.

Her sister, Mrs. Belle Hudson of Everton, aged 79 years, attended the funeral. She is the last one of the family.

Mrs. Matthis was a half sister of the late D. P. Pharis, a well known citizen of this city during life.

Mrs. Helen Hobbs, Chas. and Jennie Ray and daughter Bessie attended the funeral of their aunt, Monday at the Sparks school house.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date June 30, 1917, Saturday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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