Obit For DODSON, Peyton L. "Pete"
Headline An Excellent Citizen Dead
Text An Excellent Citizen Dead: P. L. Dodson, a well known citizen of McDonald Township, fled at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening at his home at the mouth of Gunter about six miles east of Purdy of typhoid fever.

Mr. Dodson was stricken with the disease about three weeks ago. At the beginning of his sickness he suffered hemorrhages from which he weakened rapidly. A few days prior to his death the disease gained control and all medical treatment was ineffectual.

He was one of the county's substantial citizens and was a successful farmer. For many years he was been a prominent citizen of McDonald township. He was born in Mikeman County, Tenn., in 1851. In the early 80's, he became a citizen of this county. He has been thrice married and leaves a widow and the following children: Mrs. Robert Basset of crane, Fletcher, Famous, Furlon, and Mrs. Harve Truhite and Mrs. Roy Haskins all of near Purdy.

In the death of Mr. Dodson, the county loses one of its most honorable citizens. He was a man of strong convictions and of unquestioned integrity. He always took an active interest in the affairs which stood for progress of this county and community. Burial was made Saturday afternoon at the Osa Cemetery, following service conducted by Rev. Allman.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date October 1, 1914, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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