Document to establish Roller Cemetery on Big Sugar Creek

This Indenture made on the 15th day of Aug AD one Thousand Eight hundred and Seventy One by and between John Roller and Manerva J. Roller his wife, McDonald County, parties of the first part and a Jacob Roller, J. P. Hall and Ellis Clanton of The County of McDonald in the state of Missouri, parties of the Second part, Witnesseth that the Said parties of the first part in Consideration of the Sum of $25 Dollars to us paid by the said parties of the Second part the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , do by these presents grant, bargain and Sell, convey and confirm unto the Said parties of the Second part to their Successors in Office the following described Lots, tracts or parcels of land lying, being and Situate in the County of McDonald and State of Missouri, to wit, Situated on the North East Qr. of the South East Qr. of Sec. (35) thirty five in Township Twenty Two (22) of Range Thirty (30) to wit commencing at corners No. 1 one, Situated near or over one hundred yards from the South East corner of the above Specified tract or parcel of land running twenty rods west to corners No. 2, thence North (20) rods to corners No. (3), thence East (20) rods No (4) thence South to corner No (1) Supposed forming on line (20) rods Square, Supposed to contain 2 1/2 acres more or less including Church house and Burial Grounds. To have and to hold the premises aforesaid with all and Singular, the rights, privileges, appurtenances and immunities thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said parties of the second part and unto their Successors forever, the said John Roller and Manerva his wife, hereby covenating that they are lawfully seized of an indefeasible Estate including the premices herein conveyed, that they have good right to convey the same, that the said premises are free and clear of any incumbrances done or Suffered by these or those under whom they claim and that they will warrant and defend the title to the said premises unto the said parties of the Second part and unto their Succesors in Office forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, so long as the same are held for Church purposes for the use of the United Baptist Church and for School purposes.

In witness whereof the Said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hand and Seal the day and year first above written. Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us:



50 cts fee stamp dully cancelled

Be it remembered that on this 15th day of Aug AD 1871, before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace within and for the County of McDonald and state of Missouri personally came John Roller and Manerva Roller his wife who are personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are Subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing as parties thereto and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed for the prpose herein mentioned.

Submitted by Harley C. Rush