Newspaper Cassville Republican
Date Thursday, May 29, 1919
Headline Letter from France - WW I
Text Otto Farwell who is in France writes the following letter to his mother of near Eagle Rock.

Issurtille, France


Dear Mother: As I wrote you I would keep note of a few things I saw while on leave, will try and tell you about it in my letter today.

We left Moraine Court, Frances, April 18th, hiked about 5 kilometers to Manila Court which is regiment headquarters, 1909 out of regiment met there, took trucks there for Grandecourt, met boys there from all parts of division. I went down to see Sherman Epperly, he had been there for some time.

We went to salvation army hut and got doughnuts and hot cocoa. I also got a bunch to take with me as I thought it would beat canned willey beans tomatoes and hardtack. We stayed in cars until 4 o'clock morning, pulled out went to Neauchateau, turned there went through Chaumont then on tot Issurtille.

Sunday the 20th were went through the bakery which is one of the largest in the world, then on to Y. M. C. A. for Easter service. In afternoon went over on high place that overlooks the camp. We could count eleven French villages from that point. We went back to Y in evening for service again.

Monday the 21st we did not know where we were going but just afternoon they came in put Nice on our cards, so we knew then where we were going, said we would leave at 3 p.m. We went through Dijon, Macon and Lyon. When it got light enough to see next morning we were far enough south until trees were leaves out and flowers were blooming. Soon came to Mediterranean, on to Marseilles, made stop there, was given coffee by Red Cross. From there we followed on around the coast to Nice. We reached there Tuesday in the afternoon, were assigned to our hotel and were turned loose, was out of army for seven days. The days sure passed by in a hurry. The bunch I was taken to Cimiez hotel were Queen Victoria of England stayed from 1895-96, British officers 1914-1915 and American privates from 1918-1919.

Wednesday went down to Y. M. C.A., which is in a large casino out over the sea, signed up and got tickets for Monte Carlo and Italian border where we where to go next day. Spent that day in Nice.

Thursday we started out, followed the coast to Monte Carlo where Harry K. Thaw won his millions, and through the oceanographer museums, saw all kinds of animals and fishes. Saw a skeleton of a whale that looked to have ribs 7 to 8 feet long. went from there to Kin's Palace but were not allowed to enter. Saw an old church where a girl had been beheaded.

Stated back along the Grand Cornish road along the Alps, could see everything from Nice to the border, had good view of sea, could see ships away out on one side and snow capped mountains on to the side. Sure was a trip worth while. Saw the ruins of an old Roman tower built 13 B.C.

Friday we took trolley and went to New Eze, got off walked up to Old Eze, a quaint Saracen village of A.D. 814. We saw the church that Prince Albert Charles stayed in one night just before he fled to Portugal.

Saturday we took in Nice, went to Roman Arena ruins which was close to where I stayed. Also went to old fort which was built in 1557. We had it fine at Nice, had nice rooms, good beds to sleep on and everything handy that we could wish for.

After we left Marseilles it began to be cloudy and soon began to rain. By the time we got to Dijon it had snowed enough to make the ground white. Came on to Issurtille, they told us where to get off line up in columns of twos, so we realized we were getting back in the army again.

We sure had a nice trip and the thoughts of that will make the time pass quicker.

Don't know just when we will get back to Division. Am sure getting anxious for the mail.

With love to all. As ever

Your son, Otto Farwell,

89th Army division A. E. F.
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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