Newspaper Cassville Republican
Date Thursday, Oct. 3, 1918
Headline Green Easley Writes From France - WW I
Text J. J. Wallen of this city received lately the following letter from his young friend, Green Easley, a Barry county boy who is now in France in the American army.

Somewhere in France,
August 28, 1918

After so long a time I will write you a few lines. I am in the trenches. We sleep in the daytime and are up all night.

Do you ever see uncle Ned? I am sitting in one end of a dugout. It is raining today.

We slip down the trenches and take a bath and wash our clothes. We have lots of fun, too.

Old Fritz sends shells over every once in a while. It sure makes a fellow feel little sometimes when they come close. Well the Yanks are coming over pretty fast. They are going to do the work for the Huns.

I am not with a Barry county boy but I am with a fine bunch of boys and officers.

I have had a long trip and have seen lots of country and of course was on the water sometime.

Will close for this time. So answer soon.

Your friend,
Green Easley,
Co. D. 342 M. G. Bn, A. P. O. 761
American Expeditionary Forces
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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