Obit For KELLY, Ben H., Jr.
Headline Obituary
Text Ben H. Kelly, Jr. born May 4th, 1895, died Jan. 21, 1897, at Viola, Mo., of pneumonia. The deceased was the only son of Dr. B. B. Kelly and wife. Little Benny was taken dangerous from the start through hope was not abandoned to the last. The remains were laid to rest in the Viola burying grounds, Jan. 23rd, witnessed by many sad hearts and tear stained eyes. The bereaved parents and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community, the host of whom have felt the severe sting of death and have witnessed the flight of many souls to the parents no less dear oh the other shore.

Every year the Father calleth.
Some love done to endless rest.
And the heart, though filled with anguish,
ould but cry, "He knoweth Best".
But a year not distant, cometh,
When we retread the vast unknown.
We shall fled were our ransomed dear ones,
Seated round the great white throne. Dillard
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date Jan 28, 1897, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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