Purdy Stone Repair

Jay Trace dug this stone up and it was in fifteen pieces. Jack Fly took it home with him and put it together. This jig saw puzzle became the discussion of the Barry County List Mailing and also made discussion for the genealogist of our area who are interested in the preservation of old stones and of the restoration of our cemeteries. Jack Fly said that Richard Heim brought his tractor and helped set the stone. Thanks to Richard for donating his time and equipment to get this job done. His efforts were greatly appreciated.



Barry County Genealogical & Historical Society - The restoration work that is being done in Barry County is being done through the Barry County Genealogical and Historical Society. The Society established a Cemetery Restoration Committee. The committee currently is made up of Ted Roller, Jay Trace and myself. The three of us along with others from the society and the community are performing the restoration work. We are are all non-paid volunteers.

The Society has established a cemetery fund from which they provide money for the materials used. Anyone wishing to make a donation to the fund can mail a check payable to the BCGHS, P.O. Box 291, Cassville, MO 65625. These donations are tax deductible. Please write "Cemetery Fund" on your check. Rest assured any donation will be appreciated and put to good use.

Pictured is Jack Fly, Jay Trace & Ted Roller

Barry County Genealogical & Historical Society

Cemetery Restoration Committee

Submitted by Jack Fly