Newspaper Cassville Republican
Date Sept. 3, 1918
Headline Jess Wiseley Writes From France
Text Dear Mother: I have just received your letter and was glad to hear from you. I am well and doing fine and hope you are all the same. I have plenty to eat and a very good place to sleep. Tell John Dilbeck I am well and doing fine and very well satisfied.

I received 8 letters and four papers on one day. I have received 25 letters since I landed. Tell Mr. Ray I go the papers all right and enjoy reading them. How is everybody in Hungry Hollow by this time?

There is one Barry county boy with me. He has been with me for six months. I cannot understand French very well. I saw Ethel Terry a few days ago. He is looking fine. Tell my friends all Hello. All the people here are good to us. There are two American girls working at the Y. M. C. A. They give us all the hot chocolate we can drink. There is going to be a big show here in a few moments. I will close.

Jess Wiseley
Ambulance Co. 38 S., A. E. F.
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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