Obit For Marlow, Rachel C.
Headline Mrs. Rachel C. Marlow Dead
Text Mrs. Rachel Caroline Marlow after a long illness of cancer of face and general debility, died Tuesday morning, at her home in McDonald Township, 6 miles out on the Springfield road, aged nearly 82 years. She was the widow of the late John M. Marlow who died in 1880.

Mrs. Marlow was born Oct 1825 in Georgia where she was raised and married. They came west and stopped in Gasconade County, MO, thence to Newton County, MO, and from there to Worth County and in 1869, they moved to Washington County, Ark., and in 1873, they moved to Barry County, MO, and located on the farm, where they both lived and died.

There had been eleven children born of this marriage, five of whom are living. They are Mrs. Mary Boyer, Elijah Marlow, Mrs. Barbara McGlasson and John Marlow of near this city, and Joel Marlow of Hartford, Kan. Mrs.

Marlow had been a consistent member of the Christian Church for about sixty years, and died in that faith. She was a good mother, citizen and neighbor and enjoyed the respect of all her acquaintances. Rev. E. A. Frost of the Christian Church conducted funeral services at he Sparks School house, Wednesday morning, after which the remains were laid to rest, beside her husband. To relatives of Mrs. Marlow, the Democrat joins in extending sympathy.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date August 31, 1907, Saturday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO
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