Newspaper Cassville Democrat
Date Oct. 2, 1920
Headline Mrs. Margaret Wilmoth Dead
Text A splendid … … … the excellent … …. … motherhood, citizen, neighbors and Christians was embodied in her make-up and she truly maintained the excellent record of all these great qualities as everybody who ever knew her children.

Miss Margaret Dunlap was born near Berryville, Ark., in November 1841, and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Eli Dunlap, old and highly esteemed citizens of this country, during life. Sometime in 1868, this family moved to Barry County and located 4 miles south east of Cassville, where they lived for many years and then moved to Cassville, where they continued their residence.

In 1860, the deceased and W. F. Wilmoth were married and two children were born of this marriage, a son and a daughter, the daughter dying in infancy and the son W. F. [long black lines cover one entire line] Mrs. Wilmoth was a sister of Mrs. Hannan Joslin, Miss Anna Dunlap and Mrs. J. B. Johnson, and the late Mrs. Frank Thompson, of this city.

Mrs. Wilmoth was ever ready to attend the sick and was so from girlhood till she became unable, on account of age and injuries from a fall. She was truly a Christian woman and lived the life and was prepared to go to the land of eternal sunshine and happiness that is ready for us all, if we are duly and truly prepared. The deceased had been a member of the Christian Church since girlhood.

Elder Rose conducted funeral services, Thursday afternoon at the home, where many relatives and friends had assembled to pay the last tribute of love and respect in a good woman. The remains were interred in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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