Obit For Stacy, Amanda (Bradley)
Headline Another Mother Passes Away
Text After a lingering illness of many weeks, Mrs. Amanda Stacy, wife of James Stacy, died at her home in Cassville, Saturday morning, July 19, 1912. Death was due to a complication of diseases.

Mrs. Amanda Bradley Stacy was born in Cassville, December 25, 1859. Here she grew to womanhood and has lived in this city all her life with the exception of the past two years residence in Neosho and Afton, Okla. Her last residence in Cassville was since last May.

She was married to James Stacy in the year 1885. To them were born seven children, six of whom are living. They are Mrs. Otto Turner of Collinsville, Okla., Mrs. O. W. Wilson of Prosperity, Mrs. Hugh Montgomery, Horace Hattie and Harry Stacy of Cassville.

Rev. J. T. Brattin conducted the funeral services at the Baptist Church, Sunday, at 3 o'clock.

Pall bearers were Ed Newman, Byron Hawk, Charley Williams, Mark Shepherd, Row Bowers and M. E. Hutchens.

At the close of the service the remains were taken to the Oak Hill Cemetery and laid to rest until the resurrection morn.

Mrs. Stacy' life was one not lived in vain. Her Christian influence was always for that which was Christ like. She was an excellent citizen, a loving wife and mother, whose influence will be a lasting memory to the survived family.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Republican
Date July 25, 1912, Thursday
Death Cert Link -
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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