Obit For David Dudley Salyer
Headline David Dudley Salyer Dead
Text The sad news of the death of David Dudley Salyer at Chelsen, Okla., came over the long distance telephone Tuesday, to his cousin Samuel Salyer of this city.

He died about 12:10 p.m., Tuesday, April 4, 1911 of pneumonia, aged 40 years. He was the oldest son of R.G. Salyer of this city and was raised at Golden, and had lived at Grandview, Ark., and on Shoal Creek, Liberty township, this county, and about two years ago he traded his farm for a stock of merchandise at Chelsea Okla., and moved there and had built up a good trade and had made a host of friends. He married Miss Jane Henson of Golden, with whom he had lived a happy life; to them were born three children, one boy and two girls.

Dud as he was familiarly called, was a member of the Christian Church, the Masons and the M.W.A., in which he carried a $2,000 policy; he belonged to the M.W.A. Camp of Cassville, and Clerk P.E. Horine of Cassville Camp called up the M.W.A., clerk at Chelsea on learning of his death, and asked that camp to extend every possible courtesy to the family of our deceased neighbor, and no doubt they did.

He was a brother of Mrs. Emma Tucker and Mrs. G.D. Quinn , of Golden, and Arthur Sayler of Chelsea Okla. The funeral was conducted at Chelsea Okla., Thursday at 3:30 p.m., and the remains were entered there.

He was born at Salyerville, Ky., and came to Barry County, with his father in 1888, and grew to manhood at Golden.

Here in Barry County where Dud was know, he was regarded as being one of nature's noblemen--an honest man-- his word being his bond. He was an excellent husband, father and neighbor, are the attestations expressed by his aquaintances, in regard to his merit and high standing as a man, since his death, should be consoling to his relatives. Death had no terror to such a man as Dud Salyer. May God of the Universe, watch over him, care and direct the footsteps of his three fatherless children, through this temptestuos life.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Date and source of newspaper clipping unknown.
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Resource Scrapbook bought at the estate sale of Vivian Roller by Ted W. Roller
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