Newspaper Cassville Republican
Date Aug. 7, 1919
Headline Mixon's Hearing
Held Aug. 1 And Aug 2
Bound over To Circuit Court
Bond $10,000.
Large Crowd Attends Preliminary. Strong Cases.
Text Sidney Mixon and Son, Ashley, of the Cato Community were bound over under a $10,000 bond to the November term of the Circuit court, after a preliminary hearing before Justice Sons held here Friday and Saturday; Aug. 1 and 2, upon a charge of the murder of Harve Williams at his home on the G. W. McConnell place about 15 miles east of Cassville on Thursday, July 17.

The state was represented at the hearing by Prosecuting attorney Smith and J. S. Davis. D. H. Kemp of Monett represented the Mixons.

The hearing brought to Cassville a large number of people from the eastern part of the county.

A great deal of interest has been shown in the case and he sentiment at this time is very much against the defendants.

The testimony at the preliminary was substantially the same for the state as was outlined in general at the Corner's inquest held on July 19. Mrs. Harve Williams, wife of the deceased, is the only eye witness to the murder to testify for the state. Her statement at the inquest and at the haring here Friday and Saturday was that there had been previous trouble with the Mixons; that on the morning of August 17, she and her husband were putting a yoke on the goat which the Mixons had said had been giving them trouble; that Sidney Mixon drove by in a buggy and soon Ashley Mixon and wife came upon them out of the brush in front of the Williams house and then Sidney Mixon turned back and the two Mixons, armed, said to Williams, now we have you where we want you and shot him down, then ordered her into the house at the point of a gun; that she went into the house and ran through it and over to a neighbors for help; that the Mixons then shot the goat and took a gun from the rack in the Williams home and carried it off with them.

The testimony of the defendants at the preliminary is in the main about as they have told the story before the hearing except as to the time of killing the goat which they say was just after Williams was shot.

The defense claims that in passing the Williams place on the morning of July 17, Williams ran out and raised trouble and asked his wife to bring him his gun to shoot Ashley Mixon and at this time Sidney Mixon shot Williams in defense of his son.

Some twenty or more witnesses were used at the hearing and many others not used had been subpoenaed. The hearing occupied all of Friday and Saturday until noon.
Resource State Historical Society of MO Microfilm
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