Roger Cusick's Research of CW Veterans buried at Oak Hill

Roger Cusick who is a member of the Barry County Genealogy Society is active in Barry County research. See below:

In March of 2013, Joyce and Roger Cusick write the following: Roger and I are looking at the 1911 and 1912 Barry County Republican and Democrat for some genealogy research and we found the following announcement in the Cassville Democrat, June 3, 1911: "Honor Soldier Dead The following old soldiers are sleeping in the beautiful Oak Hill Cemetery near this city, who served in the Union Army during the civil war: ...32 names .....Their graves were decorated with flags of our country, on decoration day."

I have cross checked the 32 names at the Oak Hill Cemetery index and found the following differences:

Not in the index

Wm. Criswell
E. Elbert
Alfred Gensel
C. F. Hines
A. J. Talby

In the index but no mention of Civil War service
A.(len) N. Woody
W. J. Robertson
John Ray
L.(afayette) D.(avid) Oxford
W.(illiam) F.(ranklin) Mullins
H.(enry) Lohme(a)r
John Henry) Hessee
H. M. Harbert
E. M. Frost
C.(yrus) C. Emerson
John Bougher

I think Allen Champs and Wm. A. Champs are one and the same.

C.(harles) S.(hepard) Bryan is included in the cemetery index but no war info, link to obit 3/12/1896 also does not mention war service

C.(aleb) M. Jimerson is included in the cemetery index but no war info, link to obit 1/17/1895 also does not mention war service

Cemetery index has a "Sarah W." McGlasson with notation that the stone is broken and hard to read. I am positive, after looking at the photo that it should be ISRAEL McGlasson, from the newspaper article.

We thought it might be helpful to include the civil war service in the research note and inscriptions and add the ones who are apparently in graves that are not marked.

If you have any questions let me know. I scanned and attached the page from the newspaper microfilm. I started to make notes there but then decided that wasn't going to work, hope I didn't make it to hard to read!