Obit For Wormington, Richmond
Text Richmond Wormington, 78 years old, well-to-do farmer, died at his home in Monett Saturday evening. Funeral services were held at the Callaway funeral home in Monett Monday afternoon and burial was made in the New Site cemetery southwest of Monett. Rev. C. M. Smith of Exeter, preached the funeral sermon and the Baptist choir had charge of the music.

Richmond Wormington, the son of Asa and Nancy Wormington, deceased was born December 11, 1850 on the farm west of Monett, known as the old Teel place. He was twice married, the first time to Nancy Browning, who died twenty-eight years ago. Five years later he was married to Mrs. Theodosia Vineyard of Purdy. When married the first time he made his home on the farm now owned by his son, Ennis Wormington and his children were reared on that place. After his second marriage he moved to a farm between Monett and Purdy. His health failed last year and he and his wife have been living in Monett the past six months. His death was caused by heart and kidney trouble.

He was converted when 55 years old, but did not join any church. He is survived by his wife, four children, Elmer Wormington and Ennis Wormington of Monett; Sanford Wormington of Pierce City and Mrs., Artic Robinson of Purdy. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Salina Teel, and twenty grandchildren.

Mr. Wormington was an honest hard working man and accumulated considerable property. He was eccentric and being afraid of banks hid his money about his farm. When some of the money was stolen, his habit of concealing his wealth became known, Mr. Wormington, being in failing health and his mind being in failing health and his mind being weakened by a severe attach of influenza, a guardian was appointed and his money was placed in banks for safety. His last days were full of suffering from heart and kidney trouble, complicated with a cancer on his face.

Monett Times.
Newspaper or Funeral Home Cassville Democrat
Date July 5, 1929
Death Cert Link -
Resource Cassville Democrat
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