Robberson Family Reunion


Members of the Robberson family gathered at the casino in the city park Sunday for an all day reunion and basket dinner honoring O. E. Robberson of Miami, Florida, and Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Henderson of Wellington, California, who are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity.

Following the bountiful dinner served at the noon hour group pictures were taken by Max Fields, the remainder of the day was spent in singing, visiting and games. J. G. Henderson, a music teacher in Barry county, led the singing and Mrs. Willie Robberson played the accompaniment at the piano. Everyone present enjoyed the gathering so much that they expressed the hope that it could be held more often.

Enjoying the event were Mrs. Elbert Terry and sons, Roger and Ronnie, Mrs. T. R. Robberson, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Arnaud and daughter, Sue Ann and Mrs. W. F. Goodnight, all of Monett; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jefferson and daughters, Sharon and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Robberson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jefferson and Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Thomas, all of Cassville; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Robberson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robberson and sons, E. R. and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henderson, Clyde Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Erval Henderson, all of Purdy; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Robberson of Pierce City and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright and son Glendon of Exeter.

Submitted by Frances Albert
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