George R. Haddock and Family

In front on right is George R. Haddock, born Jan 29, 1875, next to him, Emily Marie Haddock Cummons born June 4, 1901, behind her is her 2d husband Roy Lawmaster. Next is Wanda Lechner's mother, Ethel Violet (Bougher) born Dec 27, 1905. Behind her is Wanda's father, Ernest Slee Haddock born July 24, 1903. Next is Eunice (Bougher Wanda's mother's sister). Behind her is Frank Haddock, Wanda's father's brother. Next is Aldeana (Snoddy) and William "Lois" Haddock born Aug 27, 1913. Next is Mildred (Wyett). Behind her is Leslie Edward (Hammer) born June 2, 1917. Last is Jane (Branstetter) and Francis Marion (Pete) born Aug 5, 1920.

Missing is Jesse Haddock born Jan 11, 1909, and Dolly Jewell born Sept 7, 1910.

Notes by Donna Cooper and Darla Ball Marbut

Submitted in 2006 by Don Cummons