William and Cynthia Poor Family

This Barry County, MO, photo was taken about 1904 -1905. It was taken at the farm of William "Billy" E. Poor and Cynthia (Gardner) Poor.

Standing from left to right are: John Isaac Steele, Ada Poor Steele, Ellen Poor Johnston, Ida M. Gentry Poor, Will Poor, Nora Poor Harrison.

Seated from left to right are: Sophronia Poor Frank, William E. Poor, Cynthia Gardner Poor, Milton D. Poor.

The children on the laps of Billy and Cynthia Poor are probably Carl Poor (son of Will and Ida) and Burnela Steele (a son of Ada and John Steele). Burnela died in 1905 and was buried at Muncie Chapel Cemetery as are many other family members. The children seated in front are probably Ellen's two children and perhaps one of Sophronia's children? The family is unsure?

Billy Poor and Cynthia were the parents of 11 or 12 children. Ada, my great grand mother, Ellen, Will, Sophronia, Nora, Milton were 6 of those children.

Unfortunately, the photo was damaged some in a flood.

Submitted in 2006 by Kande Charsha