McCary Cemetery

SE of Cassville, Barry Co., MO
Flat Creek Twp.
Land Office Location - SW Sec. 1, T22N, R28W
GPS - 363843N 0935442W

Directions: From Cassville, go south on Route 37, turn right on Brooks Road (FR2190) to the farmhouse at the top of the hill. Cemetery is behind house with access by request. Cemetery is fenced and in reasonably good condition considering its age and location. Located on a high knoll on the original McCary farm.

Cemetery transcription Submitted Jan 2000 by Bill Landers and Mary Homesley

Photos were submitted in April 2006 by Fred and Neoma Sherman

Visit McCary Cemetery Files Here

July 13, 1907, Saturday, Cassville Democrat, Barry Co., MO

An interlibrary loan of microfilm from the Missouri State Historical Society was the source of the below given data.

Pioneer History: The late Hon. Henry McCarry in his centennial address delivered July 4th, 1876, at the re-union grounds at this place, said of the early settlement of Barry County: "I came to Barry County thirty-nine years last fall, and found but scattered and thinly settled neighborhood communities in different parts of the county. At that time there was but one post office in the county, called Mount Pleasant, the then county seat of Barry County, between 20 and 30 miles northwest of where it is now situated. A small tub mill on the head of Roaring River near where the Trim & McClure Mill is situated; one on Flat Creek; another at the falls on Shoal Creek, and a small mill, kept by Wm. Pogue, on Pogue's Creek, near where Mr. Swindle now lives.

Washburn Prairie was settled first by a Mr. Washburn, who located on a farm now owned by Judge Sparkman, in 1828, who several years afterwards moved to Texas, Stone's Prairie by James Stone; Kings Prairie by George W. King, father of Hon. Geo. King who now resides in Idaho; Starkey Prairie by John W. Starkey; Hickman's Prairie, by Jacob Hickman; Jenkins Creek, by a man named Jenkins, who died in his little cabin, in the dead of winter, no one but his wife and little children there. She had to travel all the way to Sudeth Meek's, a short distance south of Washburn Prairie, to get help to bury him, and no road from the mouth of Jenkins Creek to the John Lock place, 8 or 10 miles; nothing but a deer or wolf trail to guide her. When I first came to this place there were but few houses from Springfield to Washburn Prairie; one on Wilson Creek, 10 or 12 miles, I believe, south of Springfield. One 12 or 13 miles of that, and one other, John Lock on Flat Creek and another C. J. Corder on said creek, and by Col. Littleberry Mason near where Cassville now stands on Flat Creek. Col. Mason was a prominent citizen of the county, representing it in the State Legislature, and was the honored Senator from this district at the time of his death. In Washburn, John O. Burton kept a small dry goods store and a blacksmith shop. After Mr. Burton sold out, John Cureton and J. T. Keet set up at the same stand. Cureton died and Keet by an honest coarse of dealing, build up a good trade and become rich. The citizens of the Prairie for the most part were: John Durham, Alexander McGlothin, Samuel Logan, Matthew Hubbert, Pressly George, and Jno. W. Finney; on Shoal Creek, A. P. Fly, George Barker, who kept a tan-yard to keep the people in shoe leather. On Capps' Creek there were two or three settlements and on Joys Creek, a Mr. Joy was the first settler, soon after I came Jeremiah Fly settled at or near where Corsicana now is. Some time after Thomas Rodgers, J. N. Fly and Judge Charles.

From Springfield to Fayetteville, Ark., there was neither doctor nor lawyer to be found; old Dr. Sappington of Saline County, on the Missouri River, supplied us with ague pills and we got along first rate, for we neither paid doctor bills, no lawyer fees and very little taxes. We endured many hardships and privations. Sometimes we had to go 40 miles to mill, away on Finley Creek or to the mouth of Flat Creek near White River. To Springfield, MO, or Fayetteville, Ark., for a few necessaries to the Indian Nation to Rodgers Salt Works for their salt.

Winford G. Townsend, who came to Green County, with his father William Townsend, about 1834, married Miss Evaline Shannon, was treasurer of Barry County.

The McGlothin's, McMurty's, George's, Lock's, Howerton's, Burton's, Mason's, Harbin's, Peevy's and Johnson's were all in Barry County about the time of its organization in 1835.

Phillip Marbut who settled two miles west of the old town McDonald in 1841, is still living at the age of 91. His health and memory are good and gives promise of his becoming a centenarian.

In 1832, John Prigmore moved to White River, and to what is now Jasper County in 1834. W. W. Wormington came in 1838.

Wm. Oldfield the first settler of Montgomery County, Ind., located on Little Sugar Creek, Barry County before the war.

Col. Mason died July 3, 1852, Judge Cureton in 1854; Judge Durham in 1862; Matthew Hubbert in about 1852; Alexander McGlothin in 1857; John O. Burton in about 1852; Price McMurty in 1854; Miller Lee in about 1854 or 1855; D. K. McClure in 1856; Geo. W. Hampton about 1859; A. S. Harlin about 1867; John McClure as old setter, about the year 1873 or 1874; Elias Ferguson in 1866 or 1867; Judge Elias Oldham about 1851; John Logan about 1856."