Warren Family by Warren Walker

My Great-Great Grandfather, John McClure, married Great-Great Grandmother, Susannah Harrell, daughter of James Harrell.

Mary McClure, a daughter, My Great Grandmother, married John Warren, My Great Grandfather.

The NorthWest Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section 32 in Township 23 of range 28 in the District of ? (Lands) Subject to Sale at Springfield, Missouri containing 40 acres.

March 10, 1856
James J. Harrell

The SouthWest Quarter of the South West quarter of Section 21 Township 23 of Range 28 in the District of ? (Lands) subject to sale at Springfield, Missouri, containing 40 acres.

November 1, 1852

Adolphus F. Walker purchased part of the John McClure's homestead from Harvey McClure, son of John McClure, when A. L. Walker was seventeen year old. He was thus destined to meet and marry the young Nora Warren. Nora's mother, Mary McClure, my great grandmother, was a daughter of John McClure, my great great grandfather. Nora would inherit the Warren Farm, part of the John McClure's homestead. Adolphus L. would one day own the A. L. Walker Fruit Farm, located 2.5 miles west of Exeter, Missouri on the old John McClure's homestead.

My brother, Junior, and Sister, Pat and I lived in this house 1926 - 1935, moved away and returned in 1940. The house was destroyed by fire in the early spring of 1942. But this house, the fruit farm, and the apple orchard are the foundation for my early memories.

The photo was made in the 1890's and the tree in the background was a very large tree when I was a boy, early 1930's. My brother and I spent many hours in the large tree.

It was the tree I would climb when my mother became angry and try to whip me. I would stay up in the tree until her anger had faded away and it was safe to climb down.

The Walker Fruit Farm, Adolphus F. and Rebecca Walker, Adolphus L. and Nora Walker are all now, "Gone with the Winds of Time." Their life on this earth, lies only within the memories of those who knew them.

This eight grade photo was made in Atoka, OK - Warren Walker

In 1940 I moved back to the old Warren House and finished the eight grade at the Exeter School. My teacher was Mahala Cole.

Written and submitted by Warren Walker