The Isom W. Daniel Family
Featuring Lucy Jane (Daniel) Twigg
Barry County, Missouri

Pea Ridge National Park Photos

Lucy Jane (Daniel) Twigg

Born: May 17, 1865 in Carter Co., KY

Died: May 6, 1957 in Cassville, Barry Co., MO

Buried in Maplewood Cemetery, Exeter, Barry Co., MO

Lucy Daniel carved the Goddess of Liberty statue located in Pea Ridge National Military Park.

Link to the Encyclopedia of Arkansas for a story about Lucy

Permission given by the Editor, Guy Lancaster

Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO, Thursday, April 5, 1895

I. W. Daniel, lost a mule, Thursday, while putting up a monument at the grave of Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Beasley. It was sick but about a half hour. Mr. Daniel has been very unfortunate this winter, having lost three horses and mules before this one.

Barry Co., MO, Civil War Data - Many Old Time soldiers Who Have Passed On, Register At reunion Held Here Over Thirty-One Years Ago --- were here from various states.

A register of old soldiers kept at the Cassville Re-Union in 1898 which was found among some papers of the late Charles Ray indicates how these old timers have thinned out during the past thirty-one years. Those registered in the list include many of Barry county's best known and most highly respected citizens.

Those who registered follows. Exeter - P. Catron, A. J. Shoopman, C. Wilds, I. W. Daniel, A. N. Gurley, W. Massey, W. D. Hooten, T. J. McClure, J. R. May, J. E. Prunkard, G. W. Benton, G. A. Hiles, W. C. Dunbar.

Article from the monumental news:
The Monumental News
Jan. 1895
Page 92

Miss Lucy J. Daniel - The accompanying portrait of Miss Lucy J. Daniel, of Exeter, MO, Missouri's lady marble letterer as she describes herself, represents a woman of clear American grit. Born in Carter Co., KY in 1865, she afterward removed with the family in 1871 to Charleston, AR, a wild country at that time. Until 1880 she had had only three months schooling, but on moving to Fort Smith, she had a chance of three terms. Her father was in the tombstone business there but moved again to Springdale, AR, where in 1885, her 20th birthday, she took the shop in charge, undertaking the lettering. She amusingly describes how, in cutting her first "Mary" or a stone, she put the M upside down and walked two and a half miles to find a correct letter. With patience and perseverance she has forged ahead and reports having a good business in Exeter, MO, where she does all the lettering, some of the cutting and rubbing, but modestly says she is "not stout enough to make bases". In drawing attention to her photograph she says "I am 5 feet, 3 inches , weigh 105 lbs.", but like a steamboat, she can do more than appearances indicate. "I don't wear bangs, have not time to fool with such things as I have a real good trade here." She hopes Santa Claus will bring us all a good New Year, in which the MONUMENTAL NEWS joins, with expecial good wishes for herself. This wish will undoubtedly be endorsed by all. Lucy's article in the Monumental News - More information - permission given by: Peggy B. Perazzo

Wheaton Journal, Thurs., May 9, 1957

OBITUARY: Lucy Jane Twigg, daughter of Isom and Rebecca Daniel, was born in Kentucky May 17, 1865 and departed this life May 6, 1957 at the Cassville Community hospital at the age of 91 years, 11 months and 19 days. She had lived in Barry County for 60 years. She and her sister, Mrs. S.A. Baldwin, had made their home in Ridgley for the past 10 years. Mrs. Twigg was a member of the Linda Vista Adventist church of Cassville. Her husband preceded her in death in 1917. Survivors are her sister, Mrs. S.A. Baldwin of Ridgley, 3 nieces and 4 nephews. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Linda Vista Adventist church in Cassville by H.C. Klement of Kansas City. Burial was in the Maplewood cemetery at Exeter under the direction of Pogue Funeral Home.

Research Note: Lucy Daniel Twigg's obituary is in error where it states that she had lived in Barry County for 60 years. The Daniel family probably left Barry County in the early 1900s, and she returned in the 1940s, so very likely her obituary should have stated that she had lived in Barry County 60 years earlier. This mistake is repeated in the second obituary. The obituary of Sabra Baldwin, her sister and with whom Lucy lived, stated that she had been a resident of Exeter for 70 years.

Daniel Family Timeline

Submitted by Abby Burnnett

1831 - May 19, Rebecca Jane Remy born, KY.

1833 - Dec. 14, Isom (Isham) Wheeler Daniel born, KY.

1859 - March 17, Rebecca and Isom marry. (Note: they will have six children, five of whom survived)

1861 - Sept. 11, Isom Daniel enlists in Union Army, Co. K. 23 Ky. Infantry.

1864 - Daughter Charlotte ("Lottie") born, KY.

1865 - April, Isom returns home from Civil War. Receives commission as captain of the 31 Enrolled Militia. May 17, daughter Lucy Jane born in Carter Co., KY.

1867 - June 18, daughter Sabra Angelina born, KY.

1869 - Dec., son James Jesse born, KY. On 1870 census as "Yahee," 7/12 months.

1870 - Census: Daniel family living in Carter Co., KY. Isom Daniel's profession "farmer".

1871 - Daniel family moves to Charleston, AR, Isom is commissioned Supervisor of elections, serves 4 years.

1872 - April 13, daughter Stella Kathrine born, AR.

1880 - Census: Daniel family living in Sebastian County, AR (trade journal article states they lived in Charleston, AR). Isom Daniel's profession: "works in sawmill".

After 1880 - Family moves to Ft. Smith, Sebastian County, AR; Lucy receives three terms of schooling.

1882 - June 10, I. W. Daniel, land patent in Franklin County, 160 acres (note: date could be up to one year after patent was signed; their section/township next to county line).

1883 - 1884 - I. W. Daniel pays property tax, Springdale township, Springdale, Washington County, AR.

1885 - March: Isham and Rebecca buy land for $350 from Blankenship. May: Lucy begins lettering stone, runs marble shop in Springdale, AR. Tax record, Springdale township, AR, I.W. Daniel: "D" (delinquent?).

1886 - I.W. Daniel pays property tax, Springdale township, Springdale, Washington County, AR. Sept. 15: Isham and Rebecca pay off land; sell land for $400. Family moves to Barry Co., MO.

1887 - Faint note in margin of Washington County, AR, tax book: Dec. 29, 1887, Daniels paid off?

1888 - July 1, Sabra A. Daniel marries Nicholas Baldwin, MO (will have two sons: Adolphus and Olof, and one daughter, first name unknown, later Mrs. J. F. Viles, of Afton, OK.)

1889 - Sept. 3 - 7, Pea Ridge soldiers' reunion, Pea Ridge Battlefield, Garfield, Benton County, AR. Sept. 5 - Lucy's monument unveiled and dedicated near Elkhorn Tavern, Pea Ridge Battlefield.

1890 - First advertisement found for Cassville Marble Works in. Cassville Republican (library microfilm of paper starts with March 20.)

1891 - March 20 - April 16, I. W. Daniel's ad: "O'Day Marble Works" (Washburn, MO)

1892 - Dec. 29, first I. W. Daniel ad found for Exeter Marble Works.

1894 - Aug. 16, I. W. Daniel, Exeter, listed on Grand Jury. Oct. 4, I. W. Daniel, Exeter, listed on Circuit Court.

1895 - Sept. 4, Lotta (Charlotte), 31, marries David P. Holder, 26, Barry County, MO.

1896 - Ad for Exeter Marble works in Cassville Republican, "I. W. Daniel, prop'r. Selling granite, American and Italian marble."

1897 - Feb. 25, Searcy Holder, Charlotte's daughter, born in MO.

1898 - Jan. 20, David Holder dies of consumption in home of his brother John near Monet, MO, buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, near Butterfield.

July 9, I. W. Daniel of Exeter, Republican, running for treasurer, not elected. Cassville holds Old Soldiers' Reunion, I. W. Daniel, Exeter, attends.

1900 - Census: Daniel family living in Exeter Township, Barry County, MO. Lotte, widow, and her daughter (Searcy) living in family home. Isom Daniel's profession: "farmer". Lucy Daniel's profession: "marble cutter".

1901 - March 1, Mrs. Lottie Holder, 37, marries George J. King, 39, Barry County, MO. May 9, last ad found for Exeter Marble Works; family moves to Nebraska (possibly first to KS). Aug. 24, James A. Daniel and Ida Stapleton (both 32) marry, Barry Co., MO.

1902 - Jan. 4, Searcy Althenia Holder dies, buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery next to her father. (Tombstone apparently not made by Daniel family.) James and Ida Daniel have daughter (Beatrice?), born in MO.

1906 or 07 - James and Ida Daniel have son, James I. A., born in KS.

1910 - Census: Daniel family living in Sioux, Nebraska, with Isom, Rebecca, Lucy and brother James A. in households side by side. Isom Daniel's profession: "marble cutter, tombstone maker". Lucy Daniel's profession: "marble cutter, monumental work". James Daniel's profession: "marble cutter, monumental work".

1911 - Lucy marries John Twigg in Nebraska; no information available.

1917 - John Twigg dies.

1920 - Census: Isham and Rebecca Daniel, Lucy Twigg (married), and Stella (single) living in same household, Baxter County, AR, no professions given.

1923 - Sept. 15, Rebecca Daniel dies, buried at Trimble Flats Cemetery, now called Amos, Baxter County, AR; tombstone believed to be carved by Daniel family.

1928 - Sept. 18, Isom Daniel dies, Baxter County; no tombstone or marker in Amos Cemetery, burial location misidentified in county cemetery enumeration.

1930 - Census: Stella Daniel (single), head of household; Lucy J. Twigg (widowed) living in same household, Baxter County, AR, no professions listed.

1937 - Sept. 27, Nicholas Baldwin (Sabra's husband) dies, Exeter, MO.

1940 - Census: James J. Daniel (widowed), head of household, Stella Daniel (single), Lucy J. Twigg, (widowed) in same household, Baxter County, AR, no professions listed.

1943 - Jan. 24, James Daniel found dead of exposure: Baxter Bulletin, Feb. 5, 1943 - Coroner's Jury Pronounces Daniel's Death Natural. - Found dead in abandoned house after heavy drinking, $600 Missing from a recent sale of property. - Lucy, Stella and Sabra listed as his only survivors. No record of his burial.

1943 or 1944 - Lucy and Stella move to Garfield, town address of Pea Ridge Battlefield Park, Benton County, AR.

1944 - March 8, Stella, living in Garfield, AR, dies in Barry County, MO. No obituary or death notice found in AR or MO.

Date unknown: Lucy moves to Exeter, MO and lives with sister Sabra Baldwin.

1947 - Sabra and Lucy move to Ridgley, Barry County, MO.

1957 - May 6, Lucy Twigg dies, Cassville hospital, Barry County, MO. June 28, Sabra Baldwin dies, Seneca, Newton County, MO, at the home of Mrs. Rose Montgomery.

Family plot in Maplewood Cemetery, Exeter, contains stones for Lucy, Stella, Sabra and Nicholas Baldwin. Lucy's and Sabra's stones, purchased by Adolphus Baldwin, give their married names first, followed by "Daniel."

Submitted in 2014 by Phyllis Long