Jesse Boren Obituary

Cassville Republican
May 6, 1915

Fatal Accident: J. H. Baird received Friday morning a telegram that his son-in-law, Jesse Boren, at Ennis, Tex., was seriously injured at his employment in the railroad service. Later in the day he received a message announcing Mr. Boren's death. His daughter, Miss Myrtle left on the evening train for Ennis.

On Wednesday, Mr. Baird received a clipping from an Ennis newspaper giving an account of the horrible accident and is in part as follows: "The people of Ennis were horrified this morning to hear of a horrible accident that cost the life of Brakeman Jesse Boren on a siding at Garrett about 1:28 this morning. It is stated that extra freight train 819 coming south was taking the north siding at Garrett. In some way Mr. Boren fell between the cars and his body was cut in two, parts of his heart and vitals being cut apart from the other two pieces of the body. The train was in charge of Conductor J. P. Montgomery, with Engineer Lyle Wade, fireman Tuggle and brakeman Sam Pryor and Jesse Boren. No one saw Mr. Boren fall and can't tell exactly the cause of the accident, some express the belief that the air caused the car to jerk throwing him off. The body was jerked about a car's length and the car was derailed by the body".

Jesse Edward Boren was born July 14, 1885. He was reared and educated in Ennis. He was married to Miss Mamie Baird of Cassville, Mo., on March 4, 1909, and to them two children have been born, Dorothy Evelyn, age four years and Jessie Mae, age two years.

He was a member of the Tabernacle Baptist Church and was a devoted son, husband and father. The funeral service was held from the family residence 493 East Gilmer Street, at 10 o'clock Saturday."

Extracted by Donna Cooper

Extracts from Barry County, MO, Newspapers