Rev. James Wesley Ennes Obit

Rev. James Wesley Ennis - AKA: Ennes J. W. Ennis preformed a lot of weddings in Barry County. He was my great-great-great uncle.

Born: Apr. 6, 1854 in Elm Springs, Washington County, Arkansas
Died: May 6, 1919 in Barry County, Missouri
Married: Martha Permelia Thornhill, Oct. 29, 1871 in Barry Co., MO

May 8, 1919, Cassville Republican

Rev. J. W. Ennes Dead

It is with deepest grief that we chronicle the death of Rev. J. W. Ennes who died at his home east of Cassville six miles, Tuesday afternoon, May 6, following an illness of many weeks of enlargement of the heart and a complication of troubles resulting from the influenza.

The news of the death of Rev. Ennes brought sorrow to many hearts in this county for he was one of the most beloved men and had perhaps the widest acquaintance of any man in the entire county.

The funeral services ware to be held this afternoon, conducted by Rev. Stribling of Monett and interment will be made in the Ennes cemetery near Forest Grove, by the side of his wife who died only a few years ago.

J. W. Ennes has been a citizen of this county since about 18_5. Since he was 21 years old he has been a minister of the Gospel and has given freely of his time for the welfare of others. Through all kinds of weather, never complaining at the personal sacrifice necessary, he has gone about over this county doing good and always cheerfully serving wherever duty called. In character he was truly one of nature's noblemen. Nothing but words of praise and commendation were over heard of Wesley Ennes. In his death Barry County has lost a valuable and dearly beloved citizen. For many weeks he suffered intensely but all was borne patiently and without a murmur.

J. W. Ennes was born in Washington County, Arkansas, April 6, 1854, making him 65 years old 1 month old the day he died. He was the father of 9 children. Two died in infancy. The 7 living are: Mrs. J. W. Sharp, Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mrs. J. H. Chapman, Miss Alice Ennes at home, Mrs. Robert Albert Reynolds of Parsons, Kan., John of Purdy and Ollie of Monett. He also leaves four brothers: Fred of Cato, Miles of Hailey, Dow of Cassville and Willis of Whitten, Ark., and one sister, Mrs. Jane Hall of Mineral Springs.

Rev. Ennes was a member of the M. P. Church at Oak Ridge.

Submitted in 2009 by: Mary Griffis