Easley Cemetery
Barry Co., MO

East of Eagle Rock, MO
Roaring River Twp.
Land Office Location - NW Sec. 10, T21N, R26W
GPS - 363300N 0934412W

Photos from the files of Darla Ball Marbut


Directions: Take 86 to Eagle Rock, MO, and go east on Highway E, continue for 1 1/2 miles to Farm Road 1190, turn right (south) and go about half mile. Cemetery is on the right.

Visit Easley Cemetery Files Here

Easley Families of Barry Co., MO

The Easley/Old Easley Cemeteries by: Gina Easley

There are two Easley cemeteries. One is on E highway near Eagle Rock, Missouri. The other is the Old Easley Cemetery located north of Golden, near the lake. They are across the lake from one another. The story goes that the old cemetery was used until an Easley died on the north side of White River when the weather was too bad to make the trip across and so started the new cemetery.

The old one is in sad shape and not many of the stones are readable. I have only been there once but intend to go again. The stone of Green Berry and Eveline Easley is in the old cemetery. It was replaced in the late 60's and is on presumably part of his home place.

From the research files of Darla Marbut: Dec. 30, 1998

There are two Easley Cemeteries, one near Eagle Rock and one nearer to Golden, MO. The reason for this is explained here to follow: Edward, Mary and several of their children are buried in the Easley Cemetery near Eagle Rock, MO. The cemetery had been started when some Civil War soldiers were buried there. Edward said White River was so hard to cross to get to the older Easley Cemetery (Green Berry's) that he would bury his family with the soldiers. Another reason why Edward decided that he and his family would be buried with the soldiers was when Edward's brother, Christopher Columbus "Lum" Easley died January 2, 1886 the ground was covered with ice. The ice caused the funeral party to have a very difficult time getting Lum's coffin up the hill to bury him in the Older Easley Cemetery.