Williams' Murder

Father And Son Held For Murder
Sidney And Ashley Mixon Charged with Shooting Harve Williams
Result of Former Trouble

Cassville Republican, July 24, 1919

Sidney Mixon, aged about 40 years, and his son, Ashley, aged about 28 years, who live about 15 miles east of Cassville are charged with murder in the first degree and are under bond of $10,000 for appearance at the preliminary hearing to be held Aug. 1, for killing Harve Williams, aged about 39 years, at the home near the Mixon place, Thursday, July 17.

Williams was shot through the hand and in the front part of the neck, the ball glancing and coming to the surface near the left shoulder blade. He was shot about the middle of the forenoon and died about 8 o'clock that evening.

The Mixons report the affair to Sheriff Houston shortly after it happened and he, Deputy Sheriff Burl Reed, Prosecuting Attorney Smith and others drove to the place and brought the men to Cassville where they gave bond for appearance.

There has been trouble between the two Mixons and Williams for months. Williams lived on the McConnell place where the two Mixon families live.

The first trouble between them seems to have arisen over some farming land. Later serious trouble grew over a Billy goat owned by Williams and which Mixons say would chase their women folks. There had been many treats made between both parties lately about the goat.

A short time ago Williams had Ashley Mixon arrested for disturbing Williams' peace. Mixon pled guilty and paid his fine. Later young Mixon had Williams arrested for disturbing Mixon's peace. That trial was to have come up within a few days.

Both sides have their story of how the shooting occurred Thursday. The Mixons claim that they and Mrs. Ashley Mixon were passing the Williams place driving some calves when the Williams' goat attempted to attack Mrs. Mixon; that Ashley Mixon then shot the goat; that Williams asked his wife to bring his gun from the house and that when she was in the act of handing the gun to her husband Sidney Mixon shot at Williams with a No. 25 rifle the shot passing through the hand and entering the throat; that they carried Williams to the house and called a physician and later called the Sheriff.

Since Williams' death Mrs. Williams is the only person present when the shooting occurred except the Mixons. Williams made a statement to neighbors before he died. Mrs. Williams states that Thursday morning about nine o'clock she and her husband were out near the house trying to put a yoke on the goat which had been the cause of the trouble, when the Mixons came upon them armed; that young Mixon had a gun in each hand; that when they came upon them the Mixons said now we have you where we want you and shot Williams down.

Corner H. R. Williams held an inquest over Williams' body Saturday morning. The jury's verdict was that Williams' death was caused by a gun shot wound which was inflicted by Sidney and Ashley Mixon.

Williams' body was buried at Clio. He leaves wife but no children. He had been living in the Mixon locality since last fall.