Oldest Carney Cemetery

SE of Clio, Barry Co., MO
Mountain Twp.
Land Office Location
NE Sec. 27, T24N, R25W
GPS: 364538N 0933648W


Last known Burial 1880

Directions: From Clio take EE southeast or from the town of Flat Creek take EE northwest when you get to the four way intersection of EE and 2120 closer to Flat Creek turn North (Between the two towns only one farm road, 2120 goes north). The grave site has a fence around it and is occasionally improved by relatives.

All the stones in this cemetery were photographed in July and August of 2002 by Nora Eden.

There are 3 cemeteries named Old Carney in Barry County, MO

The other Old Carney cemetery is located nine miles east of this location.

Visit Oldest Carney Cemetery Files Here

The following information was supplied to us by Benjamin F. Carney III:

GGG-Grandson of Thomas and Susan (Warmoth) Carney

Buried here are Thomas and Susan (Warmoth) Carney and their daughter, Susan Galloway.

Thomas Carney was born in 1789 in Craven Co., South Carolina. He married Nancy Susan Warmouth about 1810. They, with other young couples (Lot Sams, Isaac Greathouse and Bell) homesteaded in Edwards Co., Illinois, arriving there in 1812. After 30 years, Thomas and family, including his oldest son, Calvin, homesteaded in Barry Co., Missouri, where they are buried. Thomas' father was Thomas Carney, born in 1741 in Craven Co., SC.

Thomas died March 23, 1867 at the age of 77 years. (Susan Warmoth) Carney died July 26. 1864 at the age of 75 years. Susan (Carney) Galloway, their daughter was born September 21, 1834 and died April 18, 1880, she was the wife of Major C. Galloway. The other Old Carney cemetery is located nine miles east of this location. Thomas and Susan's eldest son Calvin Carney is buried here along with his wife Mariah and his daughter Clarissa. This site is at the top of a hill overlooking Flat Creek. An ancient lone pine tree grows beside the graves. Thomas Carney's first house, now gone, was located 50 yards downhill from Calvin's grave. Calvin Carney was born approximately 1820 in Edwards County, Illinois and died approximately 1880 in Barry County, Missouri.

More from Benjamin F. Carney III:

Buried here are Thomas and Susan (Warmoth) Carney and their daughter, Susan Galloway. Thomas Carney was born in 1789 in Craven Co., South Carolina. He married Nancy Susan Warmouth about 1810. They, with other young couples (Lot Sams, Isaac Greathouse and Bell) homesteaded in Edwards Co., Illinois, arriving there in 1812. After 30 years, Thomas and family, including his oldest son, Calvin, homesteaded in Barry Co., Missouri, where they are buried. Thomas' father was Thomas Carney, born in 1741 in Craven Co., SC. Thomas died March 23, 1867 at the age of 77 years. (Susan Warmoth) Carney died July 26. 1864 at the age of 75 years. Susan (Carney) Galloway, their daughter was born September 21, 1834 and died April 18, 1880, she was the wife of Major C. Galloway.

To the cemetery:


This is the barn where you have to enter the property to walk down to the cemetery.


If the folks with the key to the gate are not home, you have to climb it. Shown is Eugene Eden, brother in law of Nora.


This is down in the field looking back toward the barn. The cemetery is to the right & the creek is behind where I'm standing.

Almost there, watch the landmarks!


This is the creek or branch located between the two cemeteries.

To the left is the Oldest Carney Cemetery. Up the hill to the right is the one that has the sign "Old Carney Cemetery" on the fence.


To the left where the dark green tree is, is the cemetery.

This is the creek & to the right up the hill is the other cemetery.


Another view of the creek


This is Left to right: Eugene & Jerry Eden (brothers) (Jerry is Nora's husband). They have relatives in this cemetery.

The creek is behind them & the cemetery is to the left.


The whole cemetery.

The tree is growing in it & right in someone's grave.


Another view of the whole cemetery.
The creek is to the right, cannot be seen in this picture. A closer up view of the whole cemetery.


Another view of the whole cemetery.


Another view of the whole cemetery.


View of the whole cemetery.


View of the whole cemetery.
I like this view.
