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History of Wright County

Wright County is bordered by Laclede County on the north, Texas County on the east, Douglas County on the south, and Webster County on the west. It is in the portion of the state considered "southwest Missouri." Formed from part of Pulaski County on January 29, 1841, Wright County was named in honor of Silas Wright, a prominent New York democrat. The county seat of Hartville was probably named after Hartsville, TN, where many early settlers originally came from. Wright County lost part of its land in 1845 to Texas County, in 1849 to Laclede, and in 1855 a big chunk to Webster.

 It appears there were no Indian settlements early in the area, although the wandering Delawares, Shawnees, and Piankashaws did come through. Early white settlers were in the county in 1836 and were probably hunters. Earliest known settlers (by 1840) were Samuel Thompson, Robert Moore, John W Burns, Jeff and Robert Montgomery, Benjamin Stephens, James Young, William Franklin, Isham Pool, and the Tuckers, according to Goodspeed.

The county has been devastated several times by storms. The tornado that swept through southwest Missouri that devastated Webster County on April 18, 1880, also killed Polly and Sallie Scott and Mack, according to Goodspeed, in Wright County. A flood April 22 - 23, 1885 drowned James Woods and his son Yat. Another tornado May 8, 1888 did considerable damage, as did a hailstorm near the same time that reportedly left hail 3 - 4 inches deep and in drifts 5 - 8 feet high, after falling for two hours. Goodspeed gives great accounts of these storms, as well as others.

A good-sized portion of the county is located in the Mark Twain National Forest. The Gasconade River and it's tributaries flow through the county, as well allowing for great recreational opportunities.

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Several places aren't on the new maps. They include Astoria (originally named for John Jacob Astor who was president of the American Fur Company in St. Louis where many early traders traded), Mint, Cravens, Jericho, Aurora/Mingsville/Omega, Sunnyside or Crisptown, Umpire, Hawley, Antrim, Cave Spring, Embree, Talmadge (this post office was named by the government), High Point (sets on a high hill), and Fincher.


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"The Fine Print"
The MOGW Administrative Team:

State Coordinator (SC) : Mel Owings
Asst. State Coordinator (ASC):  Martha A C Graham

Copyright ~ 1996-2025 by The MOGenWeb. All materials, images, sounds and data contained herein are not to be copied or downloaded for purposes of duplication, distribution, or publishing without the express written permission of the Wright County Coordinator. Any and all future data which is contributed to this project will be returned to the donor upon request.

This web page is maintained on behalf of the MOGenWeb Project.  Although believed to be correct as presented, if you have corrections, changes, additions, or find that any links provided on this page are not functioning properly, please contact the county coordinator for prompt attention.

 Site Updated:  26 April 2021