June 26, 1821 | Francois Coleman, s/o Bernard and Euphrosene Robert | Louise Perin, d/o Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Grandmond |
January 9, 1822 | Jean Portais, s/o Jean and Marguerite | Marie Therese Coleman, d/o Bernard and Euphrosine Robert |
March 7, 1825 | Antoine Duclos, s/o Antoine and Cecile Aubuchon | Odile Coleman, d/o Joseph and Marie Boyer |
June 7, 1825 | Francois Degagne (Degonia), s/o Jean Baptiste and Elisabeth Girard | Marie Louise Bone, d/o Jacques and Domitille Boyer |
October 17, 1826 | Alexandre Duclos, s/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer | Judith Dufour, d/o Jean Baptiste and Julie Porter (Portais) |
October 24, 1826 | Bernard Coleman, s/o Bernard and Euphrosine Robert | Aselie Perrin, d/o Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Grandmon |
May 16, 1827 | Michel Duclos, s/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer | Therese Mayotte, d/o Jacques and Therese Lanclos (?) |
July 31, 1830 | Michel Duclos, s/o Antoine and Cecile Aubuchon | Agathe Thibeau, d/o Francois and Felicite Gagnon |
November 27, 1830 | Joseph Courtois, s/o Francois and Eleonore Gagnon | Scholastique Rouleau, d/o Pierre and Marie Roi |
February 14, 1831 | Antoine Courtois, s/o Francois and Eleonore Gagnon | Cecile Oger, d/o Francois and Therese Laplante |
November 12, 1833 | Jean Baptiste Duclos, s/o Antoine and Cecile Aubuchon | Elisabeth Bourassa, d/o Francois and Therese Thibeau |
February 4, 1834 | Joseph Coleman, s/o Joseph and Marie Boyer | Marie Duclos, d/o Antoine and Cecile Obuchon |
February 4, 1834 | Alexis Villemere, s/o Nicolas Villemere and Marguerite Coleman | Terese Misplay, d/o Basile Misplay and Juliet St. Gemme |
February 10, 1834 | Antoine Valle, s/o Charles Valle and Marianne Corset | Elizabeth Lore, s/o Gabriel Lore and Catherine Benton |
May 6, 1834 | Nicolas Degagne, s/o Jean Baptiste and Elisabeth Girard | Marianne Boyer, widow Gouvreau, d/o Louis and Madeleine Coleman |
June 17, 1834 | Jean Baptiste Pratte, s/o Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Boyer | Aspasie Duclou, d/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer |
September 1, 1834 | Obediah Green | Marie Louise Roussin |
September 4(?), 1834 | Louis Robert | Cecile Beauchamp |
October 7, 1834 | Jean Baptiste Page | Honorine Coleman |
October 7, 1834 | Antoine Boyer | Marcelite Page |
November 25, 1834 | Louis Degagne (Degonia), s/o Jean Baptiste and Anastasia Coleman | Mary Aglae Dapron, d/o Nicholas and Marie Louise Ste. Marie |
July 21, 1835 | Louis Charbonneau, s/o Louis and Marie Louise Laviolette | Adelaide Henriette Delcour, d/o Nicholas and Francoise Lagrave |
July 21, 1835 | Nicholas Delcour, s/o Nicholas and Francoise Lagrave | Marie Misse, d/o Jean Louis and Barbe Beauchamp |
July 12, 1836 | Etienne Courtois, s/o Francois and Eleonore Gagnon | Marguerite Sansouci, d/o Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Lemay |
February 1, 1838 | Alexis Robert, | Marguerite Page, d/o Jean Baptiste and Therese Degagne |
February 6, 1838 | Antoine Thibeau, s/o Francis and Felicite Gagnon | Marianne Coleman, d/o Zamon and Bridgette Robert |
February 27, 1838 | John Paul, s/o John and Marguerite Boyer | Marguerite Boyer, d/o Nicolas and Lucille Portais |
May 10, 1838 | Antoine Boyer | Adelaide Tangue |
October 30, 1838 | Barthelemi Courtois, s/o Bart and Amable Oge | Marie Hortense Dufour, d/o Louis and Hortense Misse |
December 7, 1838 | Henry Heebel (Hoebel), | Marie Duclou, d/o Alexandre Duclou and Julie Boyer |
May 25, 1840 | Isaac Coleman, s/o Francoise and Celeste Boyer | Eleonore Robert, d/o Leandre and Marie Anne Silvain |
August 4, 1840 | Joseph Gouvreau, s/o Joseph and Marianne Boyer | Marie Boyer, d/o Pierre and Emilie Augustine Perrot |
December 1, 1840 | Theophile Boyer, s/o Nicholas and Ursule Portais | Pelagier Degagne, d/o Jean Baptiste and Anastasia Coleman |
January 12, 1841 | Henry Bequette, s/o Joseph and Marie Adelaide Tommure | Adelaide Genhar (?), d/o Charles and Elizabeth Angle |
January 19, 1841 | Edouard Robert, s/o Louis and Eloise Coleman | Amarante Bone, d/o Jacques and Domitille Boyer |
February 16, 1841 | Louis Robert | Silvie Boyer |
February 22, 1841 | Jean Partenet | Felicite Moreau |
July 11, 1841 | Joseph Duclos, s/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer | Marie Celestine Ricard, d/o Francois and Marie Celestine Villemere |
April 26, 1842 | Charles Coleman, s/o Joseph and Marie Boyer | Marguerite Bourassa, d/o Francois and Therese Thibeau |
May 12, 1844 | David Shepard | Isabelle Delcour (no parents listed) |
August 27, 1844 | Paul Duclou, s/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer | Marie Boyer, (no parents listed) |
September 3, 1844 | Antoine Villemere, s/o Nicolas and Marguerite Coleman | Eulalie Boyer, d/o Charles and Catherine Portel |
October 8, 1844 | Israel Boyer, s/o Charles and Catherine Portel | Julie Portel, d/o John and Marie Therese Coleman |
July 21, 1846 | Jean Baptiste Degagne (Degonia), no parents listed | Josephine Coleman, no parents listed (witnesses, Pierre Degagne and Jean Portais) |
July 30, 1846 | Peter T. Trudeau, no parents listed | Elene Thinkhead, no parents listed (witnessesEdmond Boyer and Louis Trudeau) |
November 18, 1846 | Moise Mercil, s/o Pierre and Marie Morlier | Odile Mercil, d/o Louis Mercil and Marguerite Boyer |
November 24, 1846 | William S. Trimble, no parents listed | Desile Portais, no parents listed |
September 8, 1850(?) | Peter Gallagher, s/o Michael and Mary O´Hara | Ellen Robinson, d/o James and _________________ |
September 28, 1850(?) | Louis Bequette, s/o _________ and Adelaide Gourveau | Mary Louise Portais, d/o Joseph and Marie Louise Boyer |
October 12, 1850(?) | Cyprian Bequette, s/o Thomas and Celeste Coleman | Juliette Polite Raubert, d/o Peter and Matilda Gourveau |
July 11, 1852 | Moris Boyer, s/o Charles and Catherine Portelle | Rosine Boyer, d/o Louis and Eulalie Bequette |
August 10, 1852 | Antoine Riendeau, s/o Francis and Melanie Boyer | Mary Louisa Degagne, d/o Louis and Agli Dapron |
October 4, 1852 | Augustin Boyer, s/o Nicholas and L______ Portais | Margarett Boyer d/o Louis and Mary Portais |
April 23, 1854 | George W. Larkin, s/o William and Elizabeth Washer | Odille Biatt, d/o Henry and Julia Range |
May 3, 1854 | Joseph Lore, s/o John and Terese Blais | Martha Portais, d/o John and Marie Terese Coleman |
May 16, 1854 | Stephen Thibeau, s/o Louis and Mary Louise Raubert | Aglais Roussin, d/o Joachim and Mary Louisa Archambeau |
June 6, 1854 | Nicholas Delcour, s/o Damian and Hariette __________ | Sophie Cordiey, d/o John Peter Coleman and Marion Maurice (?) |
January 25, 1856 | John Kincade, s/o John and Hannah Sullivan | Adele Bourassa, d/o Francois and Celiste Thibeau |
January 31, 1856 | Alexis Rosamond Polite Raubert, s/o Leon Polite Raubert and Mary Anne Silver | Rozine Degagne (Degonia), d/o Francis and Marie Louise Bonne |
May 25, 1856 | Sylvester Portais, s/o John and Therese Coleman | Sarah Gourveau, d/o Francis and Elizabeth Degagne |
June 1, 1856 | Louis Scott, slave of William Scott | Rachel Summers, slave of Richard Summers |
June 12, 1856 | Luke Dwyer, s/o Michael and Bridget D_________ | Honora Mooney, d/o John and Mary |
June 24, 1856 | Edmond Coleman, s/o Francis B. and Mary Louise Perriott | Adelaide Mercille, d/o Antoine and Susan En_______ |
July 17, 1856 | John McDonnell, s/o Own McDonnell and Sarah Cawby | Mary Pattin, d/o Patrick and Bridgett Bassett |
August 17, 1856 | Paul Dumphy, s/o Patrick and Catherine C_________ | Lucy Portais, d/o John and Mary Terese Coleman |
June 25, 1856 | Joseph Polite Raubert, s/o Charles and Felicite D_________ | Margarett Millum, d/o Louis and Catherine Gagneau |
May 30, 1858 | Alexander Deuclot, s/o Antoine and Amalene Brown | Susan Misse, d/o Raphael Misse and Adelaide Oge |
June2 ,1858 | John Portais, s/o John and Marie Therese Colman | Mary Boyer, d/o Edmond Boyer and Mary Louise B_____ |
May 4, 1862 | Zeno Robert, s/o Francis and Odille Archambeau | Mary Portais, d/o John and Marie Therese Coleman |
November 11, 1862 | Joseph Gouvreau, s/o Joseph and Mary Anne Boyer | Elizabeth Auge, d/o Luke and Hortense Misse |
December 31, 1862 | William Sullivan, s/o Daniel and Mary Bonne | Philomene Portais, d/o John Portais and Mary Terese Coleman |
January 21, 1863 | Leon White, slave of Thomas White, | Philomene Lamarque, slave of Mary Louisa Lamarque |
April 18, 1864 | Francis Degagne, s/o Francis and Louise Bonne | Josephine Jollin, d/o Joseph and Terese Seraphim |
May 1, 1864 | Nicholas Nevin, s/o John and Julia Murray | Anne Siveitzer, d/o Anthony and Mary Magdalene Reuker |
May 3, 1864 | Joseph Levreau, s/o Peter and Josephine ____________ | Cleotilde Boyer, d/o Baptiste and Adreinne Delvors (?) |
November 18, 1866 | John Duclos, s/o John and Elizabeth Bourassa | Izabelle Troche, d/o Anthony and Mary Polite |
November 20, 1866 | James McClane, s/o Charles and Mary McCl_______ | Martha Degagne, d/o Alexis and Mary Dean |
December 2, 1866 | Eli Boyer, s/o Louis and Eulalie Bequette | Mary Bourassa, d/o Peter and Elizabeth Degagne |
April 18, 1869 | Louis Degagne, s/o Louis and Mary Dapron | Elvina Boyer, d/o Louis and Eulalie Bequette |
April 25, 1870 | Albert Degonier, s/o John Battice and Mary Luvishell (?) | Julia Bone, d/o Joseph and Mary Semoir (?) |
May 1, 1870 | Lucian Aubuchon , s/o Isaac and Elizabeth Pagee | Genevieve Boyer, d/o Louis and Eulalie Bequette |
June 7, 1871 | James Boyer, s/o Theophile and Pelagie Boyer | Mary Degagne (Degonia), d/o Louis and Mary Degagne |
August 2, 1871 | John Hopkins, s/o John R. And Salie Hopkins | Elizabeth Brown, d/o Thomas and Delia A____________ |
July 1873 | John Schutte | Julia Anne Mercille (no parents listed) |
July 1873 | John Paget | Eleonore Boyer (no parents listed) |
July 9, 1873 | John Degagne (Degonia) | Elizabeth Matthews (no parents listed) |
August 7, 1873 | Francis Wilder | Jeanette Curtis (no parents listed) |
September 10, 1873 | Narcisse Boyer | Mary Boyer (no parents listed) |
September 24, 1873 | Leon Degonia | Rosalie Boyer (no parents listed) |
May 18, 1875 | David Coleman, s/o Isaac and Eleonore Polite | Cornelia Boyer, d/o Xavier and Angelique Prudon (?) |
June 27, 1875 | Joseph Merseal, s/o Deaniel and Sarah Cordrien | Virginia Boyer, d/o Antoine and Sarah Tangue |
July 4, 1875 | John Boyer, s/o Andrew and Sarah Tangue | Lucy Lore, d/o Joseph and Martha Portell |
August 30, 1875 | Charles Roderic (Roderique), s/o Samuel and Mary Louise Degagne | Rosalie Lachance, d/o Nicholas and Pelagie Rieando |
May 7, 1877 | Ernest (?) Nepeau (Nephew), s/o Vieto and Hortense | Lucy Degagne, d/o Johan and Virginia Polite |
September 11, 1877 | Lawrence Flynn, s/o Michael and Clarinda Wilkinson | Mary Johnston, d/o Robert and Sarah Bolduc |
October 14, 1877 | Matthew Coleman, s/o Joseph and Mary Bouchard | Lucy Boyer, d/o Antoine and Mary Louise Range |
January 22, 1878 | William Levy Degonia, s/o Alexis and Mary Ann Deane | Sarah Anne Dean, d/o Thomas and Julia Ann Boyer |
(no date given) | Joseph Trokey, s/o Napoleon and Virginia Polite | Alice Coleman, d/o Leon and Zabe Polite |
May 5, 1878 | Stephen Thibault, s/o Stephen and Mary Louise Coleman | Bridget Boyer, d/o Eli and Mary Boyer |
July 7, 1879 | Louis Robert, s/o Paul and L. Coleman | Mary Louis Boyer, d/o August and Odille Duclos |
September 7, 1879 | Louis Boyer, s/o Stephen and Ellen Boyer | Mary Lore, d/o Joseph and Martha Portell |
September 9, 1879 | John Lore, s/o Joseph and Martha Portell | Mary Dean, d/o Thomas and Julia Boyer |
September 27, 1879 | Francis Morgan, s/o George and Rebecca Wilcox | Mary Brown, d/o Patrick and Nat_____ Muldoon |
October 5, 1879 | Benjamin Hunt, s/o Isaac and Elaine Nelson | Mary Brown, d/o Joseph Bone and Terese Polite |
August 17, 1879 | S_________ Roderick (Roderique), s/o Simon and Mary Louise Degagne | Josephine Aubuchon, d/o Isaac and Elizabeth Paget |
November 19, 1879 | James Appleberry, s/o John and Eliza Stephens | Mary Frances Matthews, d/o R________ Matthews and C. Aubuchon |
December 2, 1879 | Julius Boyer, s/o Frank (?) and Emily Boyer | Susanne Lore, d/o Joseph and Martha Portell |
September 10, 1881 | John Agnew, s/o ________ and Ellen Slone | Catherine Jackson, d/o Smith and _______________ |
September 13, 1881 | Francis J. Degagner, s/o Peter and Terese Polite | Mary Dean, d/o Thomas and Julia Boyer |
September 22, 1885 | Francis Lore, s/o Joseph and Martha Portell | Lucy Dean, d/o Thomas and Julia Boyer |
September 24, 1885 | At Blackwell Station, Oscar Prescott |
Annie Bequette |
September 7, 1886 | Louis Courtois, s/o Isreal and Mary Misse | Mary Boughschon, d/o Felix and Mary Valle |
September 21, 1886 | Louis N. Coleman, s/o Joseph and Mary Bouchard | Agnes Degonia, d/o Theophile and Julie Boyer |
October 19, 1886 | Peter Degonia, Widower, s/o Baptise and Anastasia Coleman | Fema Mercille, Widow, d/o Peter Allaire and Odilla Robert |
October 21, 1886 | Hartgrove Colton, s/o Thomas and Abagail Scott | Martha Duclos, d/o Felix and Zoe Boyer |
April 3, 1888 | Thomas Degonia, s/o Thofiel and Julia Boyer | Cora Pasche, d/o Alexander and Daglia Aubuchon |
May 7, 1888 | Francis Bourissa, s/o Paul and Rosaline Villmere | Ellen Juliette, d/o James and Martha Coleman |
April 30, 1889 | Joseph Courtois, s/o Frank and Susan Sansouci | Philomena Courtois, d/o Julius and Zabre Valle |
(no date given) | Francis Degonia, s/o Thophiel and Julie Boyer | Agnes Thebeau, d/o Akan Thibeau and Rosalie Bourissa |
May 28, 1889 | "I remarried at Brazil, Missouri, John Kimberlin and Francis Garrett who were married March 1886 by a squire" | |
September 29, 1891 | Robert Bourissa, s/o T______ Bourissa and Anna Boyer | Bridget Degonia, d/o Tophiel and Julia Boyer |
October 20, 1891 | Julius, s/o C. Boyer and Dazile Portell | Mary Evens |
August 26, 1894 | John Thebeau, s/o Etienne and Marie Louise Coleman | Mary Louise Boyer, d/o Joseph Lore and Martha Portell |
February 19, 1895 | Robert Degagne, s/o Louis and Lavina Boyer | Emma Boyer, d/o Jacob and Rosa Polite |
February 20, 1895 | Elie Robert, s/o Paul and Celeste Coleman | Martha Boyer, d/o Israel and Julie Portell |
October 22, 1895 | William Boyer, s/o William and Rose Duclos | Julia Degagne, d/o Theophile and Julie Boyer |
August 9, 1896 | John Degagne, s/o Antoine and Rosa Bone | Mary Lachance, d/o Paul and Elvina Boyer |
September 7, 1898 | Henry Lachance, s/o John and Mary Boyer | Lucy Degagne, d/o William and Sarah Dean |
September 27, 1898 | Francis Duclos, s/o _________ and Mary Coleman | Helene Pratt, d/o Alexander and Josephine V_________ |
(no date given | Theophile Degagne, s/o John and Virginia Portell | Statia (Stacia) Portell, d/o John and Mary Boyer (?) |
October 2, 1898 | John Jefferson Tucker, s/o John and Nancy Ann | Victoria L. Portelle, d/o Henry and Mary Troque |
October 20, 1898 | Henry Portell, s/o Sylvester and Sarah Govreau | Cora Degagne, d/o Theophile and Julianne Boyer |
October 27, 1898 | William Hays, s/o Nicholas and Julia | Nellie Boyer, d/o Bertholomew and Louise Portell |
September 12, 1899 | Albert Valle, s/o Theodore and Mary Courtois | Mary Sansouci, d/o Charles and Ellen Courtois |
October 18, 1899 | Edward Boyer, s/o Jacob and Rosa Polite | Mary Degonia, d/o Lucian and Cornelia Boyer |
Larry Flesher, Washington County, MO