St. Joachim Church
Washington County, MO
Various Marriage Records, 1821 - 1899

June 26, 1821 Francois Coleman, s/o Bernard and Euphrosene Robert Louise Perin, d/o Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Grandmond
January 9, 1822 Jean Portais, s/o Jean and Marguerite Marie Therese Coleman, d/o Bernard and Euphrosine Robert
March 7, 1825 Antoine Duclos, s/o Antoine and Cecile Aubuchon Odile Coleman, d/o Joseph and Marie Boyer
June 7, 1825 Francois Degagne (Degonia), s/o Jean Baptiste and Elisabeth Girard Marie Louise Bone, d/o Jacques and Domitille Boyer
October 17, 1826 Alexandre Duclos, s/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer Judith Dufour, d/o Jean Baptiste and Julie Porter (Portais)
October 24, 1826 Bernard Coleman, s/o Bernard and Euphrosine Robert Aselie Perrin, d/o Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Grandmon
May 16, 1827 Michel Duclos, s/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer Therese Mayotte, d/o Jacques and Therese Lanclos (?)
July 31, 1830 Michel Duclos, s/o Antoine and Cecile Aubuchon Agathe Thibeau, d/o Francois and Felicite Gagnon
November 27, 1830 Joseph Courtois, s/o Francois and Eleonore Gagnon Scholastique Rouleau, d/o Pierre and Marie Roi
February 14, 1831 Antoine Courtois, s/o Francois and Eleonore Gagnon Cecile Oger, d/o Francois and Therese Laplante
November 12, 1833 Jean Baptiste Duclos, s/o Antoine and Cecile Aubuchon Elisabeth Bourassa, d/o Francois and Therese Thibeau
February 4, 1834 Joseph Coleman, s/o Joseph and Marie Boyer Marie Duclos, d/o Antoine and Cecile Obuchon
February 4, 1834 Alexis Villemere, s/o Nicolas Villemere and Marguerite Coleman Terese Misplay, d/o Basile Misplay and Juliet St. Gemme
February 10, 1834 Antoine Valle, s/o Charles Valle and Marianne Corset Elizabeth Lore, s/o Gabriel Lore and Catherine Benton
May 6, 1834 Nicolas Degagne, s/o Jean Baptiste and Elisabeth Girard Marianne Boyer, widow Gouvreau, d/o Louis and Madeleine Coleman
June 17, 1834 Jean Baptiste Pratte, s/o Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Boyer Aspasie Duclou, d/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer
September 1, 1834 Obediah Green Marie Louise Roussin
September 4(?), 1834 Louis Robert Cecile Beauchamp
October 7, 1834 Jean Baptiste Page Honorine Coleman
October 7, 1834 Antoine Boyer Marcelite Page
November 25, 1834 Louis Degagne (Degonia), s/o Jean Baptiste and Anastasia Coleman Mary Aglae Dapron, d/o Nicholas and Marie Louise Ste. Marie
July 21, 1835 Louis Charbonneau, s/o Louis and Marie Louise Laviolette Adelaide Henriette Delcour, d/o Nicholas and Francoise Lagrave
July 21, 1835 Nicholas Delcour, s/o Nicholas and Francoise Lagrave Marie Misse, d/o Jean Louis and Barbe Beauchamp
July 12, 1836 Etienne Courtois, s/o Francois and Eleonore Gagnon Marguerite Sansouci, d/o Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Lemay
February 1, 1838 Alexis Robert, Marguerite Page, d/o Jean Baptiste and Therese Degagne
February 6, 1838 Antoine Thibeau, s/o Francis and Felicite Gagnon Marianne Coleman, d/o Zamon and Bridgette Robert
February 27, 1838 John Paul, s/o John and Marguerite Boyer Marguerite Boyer, d/o Nicolas and Lucille Portais
May 10, 1838 Antoine Boyer Adelaide Tangue
October 30, 1838 Barthelemi Courtois, s/o Bart and Amable Oge Marie Hortense Dufour, d/o Louis and Hortense Misse
December 7, 1838 Henry Heebel (Hoebel), Marie Duclou, d/o Alexandre Duclou and Julie Boyer
May 25, 1840 Isaac Coleman, s/o Francoise and Celeste Boyer Eleonore Robert, d/o Leandre and Marie Anne Silvain
August 4, 1840 Joseph Gouvreau, s/o Joseph and Marianne Boyer Marie Boyer, d/o Pierre and Emilie Augustine Perrot
December 1, 1840 Theophile Boyer, s/o Nicholas and Ursule Portais Pelagier Degagne, d/o Jean Baptiste and Anastasia Coleman
January 12, 1841 Henry Bequette, s/o Joseph and Marie Adelaide Tommure Adelaide Genhar (?), d/o Charles and Elizabeth Angle
January 19, 1841 Edouard Robert, s/o Louis and Eloise Coleman Amarante Bone, d/o Jacques and Domitille Boyer
February 16, 1841 Louis Robert Silvie Boyer
February 22, 1841 Jean Partenet Felicite Moreau
July 11, 1841 Joseph Duclos, s/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer Marie Celestine Ricard, d/o Francois and Marie Celestine Villemere
April 26, 1842 Charles Coleman, s/o Joseph and Marie Boyer Marguerite Bourassa, d/o Francois and Therese Thibeau
May 12, 1844 David Shepard Isabelle Delcour (no parents listed)
August 27, 1844 Paul Duclou, s/o Alexandre and Julie Boyer Marie Boyer, (no parents listed)
September 3, 1844 Antoine Villemere, s/o Nicolas and Marguerite Coleman Eulalie Boyer, d/o Charles and Catherine Portel
October 8, 1844 Israel Boyer, s/o Charles and Catherine Portel Julie Portel, d/o John and Marie Therese Coleman
July 21, 1846 Jean Baptiste Degagne (Degonia), no parents listed Josephine Coleman, no parents listed (witnesses, Pierre Degagne and Jean Portais)
July 30, 1846 Peter T. Trudeau, no parents listed Elene Thinkhead, no parents listed (witnessesEdmond Boyer and Louis Trudeau)
November 18, 1846 Moise Mercil, s/o Pierre and Marie Morlier Odile Mercil, d/o Louis Mercil and Marguerite Boyer
November 24, 1846 William S. Trimble, no parents listed Desile Portais, no parents listed
September 8, 1850(?) Peter Gallagher, s/o Michael and Mary O´Hara Ellen Robinson, d/o James and _________________
September 28, 1850(?) Louis Bequette, s/o _________ and Adelaide Gourveau Mary Louise Portais, d/o Joseph and Marie Louise Boyer
October 12, 1850(?) Cyprian Bequette, s/o Thomas and Celeste Coleman Juliette Polite Raubert, d/o Peter and Matilda Gourveau
July 11, 1852 Moris Boyer, s/o Charles and Catherine Portelle Rosine Boyer, d/o Louis and Eulalie Bequette
August 10, 1852 Antoine Riendeau, s/o Francis and Melanie Boyer Mary Louisa Degagne, d/o Louis and Agli Dapron
October 4, 1852 Augustin Boyer, s/o Nicholas and L______ Portais Margarett Boyer d/o Louis and Mary Portais
April 23, 1854 George W. Larkin, s/o William and Elizabeth Washer Odille Biatt, d/o Henry and Julia Range
May 3, 1854 Joseph Lore, s/o John and Terese Blais Martha Portais, d/o John and Marie Terese Coleman
May 16, 1854 Stephen Thibeau, s/o Louis and Mary Louise Raubert Aglais Roussin, d/o Joachim and Mary Louisa Archambeau
June 6, 1854 Nicholas Delcour, s/o Damian and Hariette __________ Sophie Cordiey, d/o John Peter Coleman and Marion Maurice (?)
January 25, 1856 John Kincade, s/o John and Hannah Sullivan Adele Bourassa, d/o Francois and Celiste Thibeau
January 31, 1856 Alexis Rosamond Polite Raubert, s/o Leon Polite Raubert and Mary Anne Silver Rozine Degagne (Degonia), d/o Francis and Marie Louise Bonne
May 25, 1856 Sylvester Portais, s/o John and Therese Coleman Sarah Gourveau, d/o Francis and Elizabeth Degagne
June 1, 1856 Louis Scott, slave of William Scott Rachel Summers, slave of Richard Summers
June 12, 1856 Luke Dwyer, s/o Michael and Bridget D_________ Honora Mooney, d/o John and Mary
June 24, 1856 Edmond Coleman, s/o Francis B. and Mary Louise Perriott Adelaide Mercille, d/o Antoine and Susan En_______
July 17, 1856 John McDonnell, s/o Own McDonnell and Sarah Cawby Mary Pattin, d/o Patrick and Bridgett Bassett
August 17, 1856 Paul Dumphy, s/o Patrick and Catherine C_________ Lucy Portais, d/o John and Mary Terese Coleman
June 25, 1856 Joseph Polite Raubert, s/o Charles and Felicite D_________ Margarett Millum, d/o Louis and Catherine Gagneau
May 30, 1858 Alexander Deuclot, s/o Antoine and Amalene Brown Susan Misse, d/o Raphael Misse and Adelaide Oge
June2 ,1858 John Portais, s/o John and Marie Therese Colman Mary Boyer, d/o Edmond Boyer and Mary Louise B_____
May 4, 1862 Zeno Robert, s/o Francis and Odille Archambeau Mary Portais, d/o John and Marie Therese Coleman
November 11, 1862 Joseph Gouvreau, s/o Joseph and Mary Anne Boyer Elizabeth Auge, d/o Luke and Hortense Misse
December 31, 1862 William Sullivan, s/o Daniel and Mary Bonne Philomene Portais, d/o John Portais and Mary Terese Coleman
January 21, 1863 Leon White, slave of Thomas White, Philomene Lamarque, slave of Mary Louisa Lamarque
April 18, 1864 Francis Degagne, s/o Francis and Louise Bonne Josephine Jollin, d/o Joseph and Terese Seraphim
May 1, 1864 Nicholas Nevin, s/o John and Julia Murray Anne Siveitzer, d/o Anthony and Mary Magdalene Reuker
May 3, 1864 Joseph Levreau, s/o Peter and Josephine ____________ Cleotilde Boyer, d/o Baptiste and Adreinne Delvors (?)
November 18, 1866 John Duclos, s/o John and Elizabeth Bourassa Izabelle Troche, d/o Anthony and Mary Polite
November 20, 1866 James McClane, s/o Charles and Mary McCl_______ Martha Degagne, d/o Alexis and Mary Dean
December 2, 1866 Eli Boyer, s/o Louis and Eulalie Bequette Mary Bourassa, d/o Peter and Elizabeth Degagne
April 18, 1869 Louis Degagne, s/o Louis and Mary Dapron Elvina Boyer, d/o Louis and Eulalie Bequette
April 25, 1870 Albert Degonier, s/o John Battice and Mary Luvishell (?) Julia Bone, d/o Joseph and Mary Semoir (?)
May 1, 1870 Lucian Aubuchon , s/o Isaac and Elizabeth Pagee Genevieve Boyer, d/o Louis and Eulalie Bequette
June 7, 1871 James Boyer, s/o Theophile and Pelagie Boyer Mary Degagne (Degonia), d/o Louis and Mary Degagne
August 2, 1871 John Hopkins, s/o John R. And Salie Hopkins Elizabeth Brown, d/o Thomas and Delia A____________
July 1873 John Schutte Julia Anne Mercille (no parents listed)
July 1873 John Paget Eleonore Boyer (no parents listed)
July 9, 1873 John Degagne (Degonia) Elizabeth Matthews (no parents listed)
August 7, 1873 Francis Wilder Jeanette Curtis (no parents listed)
September 10, 1873 Narcisse Boyer Mary Boyer (no parents listed)
September 24, 1873 Leon Degonia Rosalie Boyer (no parents listed)
May 18, 1875 David Coleman, s/o Isaac and Eleonore Polite Cornelia Boyer, d/o Xavier and Angelique Prudon (?)
June 27, 1875 Joseph Merseal, s/o Deaniel and Sarah Cordrien Virginia Boyer, d/o Antoine and Sarah Tangue
July 4, 1875 John Boyer, s/o Andrew and Sarah Tangue Lucy Lore, d/o Joseph and Martha Portell
August 30, 1875 Charles Roderic (Roderique), s/o Samuel and Mary Louise Degagne Rosalie Lachance, d/o Nicholas and Pelagie Rieando
May 7, 1877 Ernest (?) Nepeau (Nephew), s/o Vieto and Hortense Lucy Degagne, d/o Johan and Virginia Polite
September 11, 1877 Lawrence Flynn, s/o Michael and Clarinda Wilkinson Mary Johnston, d/o Robert and Sarah Bolduc
October 14, 1877 Matthew Coleman, s/o Joseph and Mary Bouchard Lucy Boyer, d/o Antoine and Mary Louise Range
January 22, 1878 William Levy Degonia, s/o Alexis and Mary Ann Deane Sarah Anne Dean, d/o Thomas and Julia Ann Boyer
(no date given) Joseph Trokey, s/o Napoleon and Virginia Polite Alice Coleman, d/o Leon and Zabe Polite
May 5, 1878 Stephen Thibault, s/o Stephen and Mary Louise Coleman Bridget Boyer, d/o Eli and Mary Boyer
July 7, 1879 Louis Robert, s/o Paul and L. Coleman Mary Louis Boyer, d/o August and Odille Duclos
September 7, 1879 Louis Boyer, s/o Stephen and Ellen Boyer Mary Lore, d/o Joseph and Martha Portell
September 9, 1879 John Lore, s/o Joseph and Martha Portell Mary Dean, d/o Thomas and Julia Boyer
September 27, 1879 Francis Morgan, s/o George and Rebecca Wilcox Mary Brown, d/o Patrick and Nat_____ Muldoon
October 5, 1879 Benjamin Hunt, s/o Isaac and Elaine Nelson Mary Brown, d/o Joseph Bone and Terese Polite
August 17, 1879 S_________ Roderick (Roderique), s/o Simon and Mary Louise Degagne Josephine Aubuchon, d/o Isaac and Elizabeth Paget
November 19, 1879 James Appleberry, s/o John and Eliza Stephens Mary Frances Matthews, d/o R________ Matthews and C. Aubuchon
December 2, 1879 Julius Boyer, s/o Frank (?) and Emily Boyer Susanne Lore, d/o Joseph and Martha Portell
September 10, 1881 John Agnew, s/o ________ and Ellen Slone Catherine Jackson, d/o Smith and _______________
September 13, 1881 Francis J. Degagner, s/o Peter and Terese Polite Mary Dean, d/o Thomas and Julia Boyer
September 22, 1885 Francis Lore, s/o Joseph and Martha Portell Lucy Dean, d/o Thomas and Julia Boyer
September 24, 1885 At Blackwell Station,
Oscar Prescott
Annie Bequette
September 7, 1886 Louis Courtois, s/o Isreal and Mary Misse Mary Boughschon, d/o Felix and Mary Valle
September 21, 1886 Louis N. Coleman, s/o Joseph and Mary Bouchard Agnes Degonia, d/o Theophile and Julie Boyer
October 19, 1886 Peter Degonia, Widower, s/o Baptise and Anastasia Coleman Fema Mercille, Widow, d/o Peter Allaire and Odilla Robert
October 21, 1886 Hartgrove Colton, s/o Thomas and Abagail Scott Martha Duclos, d/o Felix and Zoe Boyer
April 3, 1888 Thomas Degonia, s/o Thofiel and Julia Boyer Cora Pasche, d/o Alexander and Daglia Aubuchon
May 7, 1888 Francis Bourissa, s/o Paul and Rosaline Villmere Ellen Juliette, d/o James and Martha Coleman
April 30, 1889 Joseph Courtois, s/o Frank and Susan Sansouci Philomena Courtois, d/o Julius and Zabre Valle
(no date given) Francis Degonia, s/o Thophiel and Julie Boyer Agnes Thebeau, d/o Akan Thibeau and Rosalie Bourissa
May 28, 1889 "I remarried at Brazil, Missouri, John Kimberlin and Francis Garrett who were married March 1886 by a squire"
September 29, 1891 Robert Bourissa, s/o T______ Bourissa and Anna Boyer Bridget Degonia, d/o Tophiel and Julia Boyer
October 20, 1891 Julius, s/o C. Boyer and Dazile Portell Mary Evens
August 26, 1894 John Thebeau, s/o Etienne and Marie Louise Coleman Mary Louise Boyer, d/o Joseph Lore and Martha Portell
February 19, 1895 Robert Degagne, s/o Louis and Lavina Boyer Emma Boyer, d/o Jacob and Rosa Polite
February 20, 1895 Elie Robert, s/o Paul and Celeste Coleman Martha Boyer, d/o Israel and Julie Portell
October 22, 1895 William Boyer, s/o William and Rose Duclos Julia Degagne, d/o Theophile and Julie Boyer
August 9, 1896 John Degagne, s/o Antoine and Rosa Bone Mary Lachance, d/o Paul and Elvina Boyer
September 7, 1898 Henry Lachance, s/o John and Mary Boyer Lucy Degagne, d/o William and Sarah Dean
September 27, 1898 Francis Duclos, s/o _________ and Mary Coleman Helene Pratt, d/o Alexander and Josephine V_________
(no date given Theophile Degagne, s/o John and Virginia Portell Statia (Stacia) Portell, d/o John and Mary Boyer (?)
October 2, 1898 John Jefferson Tucker, s/o John and Nancy Ann Victoria L. Portelle, d/o Henry and Mary Troque
October 20, 1898 Henry Portell, s/o Sylvester and Sarah Govreau Cora Degagne, d/o Theophile and Julianne Boyer
October 27, 1898 William Hays, s/o Nicholas and Julia Nellie Boyer, d/o Bertholomew and Louise Portell
September 12, 1899 Albert Valle, s/o Theodore and Mary Courtois Mary Sansouci, d/o Charles and Ellen Courtois
October 18, 1899 Edward Boyer, s/o Jacob and Rosa Polite Mary Degonia, d/o Lucian and Cornelia Boyer

This material was transcribed by Christine Lembeck Armbruster . Christine, please accept our sincere thanks for this!

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